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Shared Words - ten kinds of less depressing


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So, I have a new project. Well, two new projects actually, but only one of them is exciting. The unexciting one is that I've decided to rewrite ALL my curriculum for next year. Totally different. Everything. Tons and tons of work, but not exciting. At least not to anyone else.


The exciting one is that I've decided to trace my ancestry, which is amusing because I hardly know anything about my family. Way fun, though. As it turns out I'm related to one Nicholas Massey who came to the US as an indentured servant in 1660 at about the age of 30 from the Isle of Ely, England (which is, apparently, not an island at all, but merely a large bump in an even larger swamp). I'm damn near royalty, I tell you. Also, I am apparently one gazillionth French, which I didn't know at all. I'm the far off decendant of some guy named Zwingli Barriere who was born in France around 1590 and at some point went to Canton, Switzerland where the next few generations were born and died. I like Switzerland; I think I'm going to claim that I'm from there too. What would be really cool is if I can find ties to everywhere, which isn't likely, but would be pretty darn nifty if you think about it. I know my grandmother is part Hungarian, though I haven't found it yet. There are just too many Nelsons. They're everywhere, and they all have common names, so it's impossible to tell who is who (without looking at proper documentation, of course, and who would do that when they can just plug names into the internet and pretend all online content is gospel truth). I also know I'm Cherokee somehow, but it's highly unlikely I'll ever be able to prove that. Fun stuff. I'm going to get back to it, see if I can figure out someone else before I go to bed. Yay.



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