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TROGBlog - Hunt the Wumpus v0.07


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I smell a Wumpus.




htw06.asm 07/29/06

- Switched to 4LK, freeing up even more cycles in the kernel.

- Optimized ball display decoder.

- Integrated maze buffer preloader to prevent black line artifacts.

- Added clue display in GPR0, GPR1, M0, and M1.


htw07.asm 08/03/06

- Improved player-to-playfield collision handling to act more like "Adventure". Rather than always moving you back to your original position, you can slide along a surface using diagonal movement, which makes traversing the maze much easier.

- Added Wumpus and Pit placement routines.

- Added clue placement routine for Wumpus and Pit clues. This routine automatically traverses through tunnels to find all connecting rooms.


To Do:

- Expand Wumpus clues so they appear in all rooms that are within 1 or 2 rooms of the Wumpus.

- Add death detection (walking into room with Wumpus or Pit)

- Add the ability to shoot your arrow at the Wumpus, so you can actually win the game.

- Add death music and victory music.

- Add cut scenes for Wumpus death, Pit death, arrow shooting, and victory.

- Add title screen and music.

- Add check to prevent player from starting in a hazard room.

- Add clue display.


Known Issues:

- There is still one scanline of unwanted black lines at the top of the screen that I haven't cleared out yet, but the rest of the lines are gone.

- I didn't test the scanline count before uploading this, so it's possible that it doesn't add up to 262. I'll check that tonight.


Development Notes:

The game is now minimally playable. On reset, a fresh maze is generated, populated with 1 Wumpus and 2 pits, and clues are assigned for the 3 hazards. You won't die if you walk into a room with a Wumpus or a pit (yet). They'll just show up as clue markers. But this is enough for you to get a feel for what the game play is like. Try to figure out which rooms contain the Wumpus and the 2 pits, without going into those rooms.


For those of you who are not familiar with the original game, the green dots represent pools of slime, and are clues that one of the connecting rooms is a slime pit. The red dots represent pools of blood, and are clues that one of the connecting rooms contains the Wumpus' lair.


I'm surprised at how little code was necessary to make this game. It only used about 1.5 K, and could be optimized smaller. With some work, a 1K version of this game might be possible. But I'm more interested in producing a 4K or 8K version that will have nice cut scenes.



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