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atari2600land's Blog - Blue suede records


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Well, blue records anyway. I thought I could keep collecting picture 45s, but after seeing the prices on some of them, like a couple of Queens of the Stone Age ones asking for about $8 or 9, I decided screw this, and so I started collecting blue vinyl. Why blue? Because blue is my second-favorite color (after black, but all records are black.) Which is how I found this neat little band called The Outside Inside, which did classic-sounding surf rock-n-roll Beach-Boys type rock in the 90s. Both songs on the 45s are instrumentals, so it's kinda like crossing the Ventures with Green Day. Green Day should make a green vinyl record. That would be cool. And they could release it on St. Patrick's Day. But enough about my "clever" marketing skills, I was watching a biography on Steve Wozniak, and I had no idea he programmed Breakout before he co-founded Apple. Must be the arcade version because I checked out the Breakout listing and the closest thing to Wozniak was Steve Jobs, which was the other co-founder of Apple (most of you computer geeks are saying "Well, duh!") They interviewed Wozniak for his own biography (how thoughtful :wink:) but I don't think I ever saw Steve Jobs interviewed, which is weird. By the way, it was on tape, so it's not like you missed it recently or anything. Man, if I had $50 million, I sure wouldn't blow $5 or 6 million in losses holding a couple of rock concerts. Oh well, guess he's living the sweet life, just because he and Gates happened to be interested in the right things at the right time. Too bad all of us homebrewers don't have a few million.



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