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Multi JAMMA board for Horizontal Monitor

Crazy Climber

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I don't know if anyone has posted this yet but they finally made a Multi Jamma Board for Horizontal Monitors. The first draft has some good ones on it but I bet they will make an even better one down the road just like they did with the vertical ones, Cool :)


It's got Robotron and Ghost's n Goblins whih is almost enough for me to buy it but I think I might still wait and see what they release next.

What do you guys think?

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Whats the price? I don't see one posted, those are the same 4in1/9in1 boards that have been floating around now for like 2+ years and they come over from Tawain, they averaged $200-$350 depending on who's selling them.



Next thing - the games installed are illegal





I don't know if anyone has posted this yet but they finally made a Multi Jamma Board for Horizontal Monitors. The first draft has some good ones on it but I bet they will make an even better one down the road just like they did with the vertical ones, Cool :)


It's got Robotron and Ghost's n Goblins whih is almost enough for me to buy it but I think I might still wait and see what they release next.

What do you guys think?

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Looks like 350 for the 4/1 and 400 for the 9/1 which seems over priced but.............

I know they have always had the vertical monitor boards but this is the first I've seen of a Horizontal monitor release.

Have these always been around?

Also I figured they are illegal but do you say that for moral reasons or does it mean the game versions vary from the originals?

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If your going to spend the money and if what you said with the price is true it looks like your better off going for the 9 in 1 board for only $50 more. It's like getting a 4 in 1 board for $50 plus 1 game extra free. Thats if you have the right price for the boards.

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Seems overly pricey for 4 or 9 games, might I suggest finding and buying the Target Midway arcade, take the CPU box out and connect it into a cabinet with a nice TV or LCD display with composite input, purchase a good quality speaker system with subwoofer and connect the audio into it. The Midways cabinet is a total POS and the monitor in it is the worst thing this side of an etch a sketch for quality of display, but the CPU box is a Clay creation and the games all play very well and you're getting 12 games, if you shop around you could find one of them through the liquidators that picked them up when they didn't sell through the Target stores and Target returned them to the manufacturer.






If your going to spend the money and if what you said with the price is true it looks like your better off going for the 9 in 1 board for only $50 more. It's like getting a 4 in 1 board for $50 plus 1 game extra free. Thats if you have the right price for the boards.

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Target Midway arcade? I have never heard of that one is it one of thoes cheap TV systems were all tha games are in a control pad or joy stick?

It's a small version (maybe 4 feet tall?) of the stand up coin op Williams Multi Cab. They sold them for like 300 bucks around Christmas time last year. Guess they didn't catch on.

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Seems overly pricey for 4 or 9 games, might I suggest finding and buying the Target Midway arcade, take the CPU box out and connect it into a cabinet with a nice TV or LCD display with composite input, purchase a good quality speaker system with subwoofer and connect the audio into it. The Midways cabinet is a total POS and the monitor in it is the worst thing this side of an etch a sketch for quality of display, but the CPU box is a Clay creation and the games all play very well and you're getting 12 games, if you shop around you could find one of them through the liquidators that picked them up when they didn't sell through the Target stores and Target returned them to the manufacturer.


I'm not sure I'd recommend the Midway Arcade unless he can find it for very, very cheap. Yes, Clay was contracted to do it, but some of the picture issues aren't the monitor's fault. Due to some budget constraints the PCB doesn't output some colors accurately, especially red.


There's precious few legal multi-game setups. The largest is probably the Ultracade series, but that will cost you. If your intent on a multi-game and don't want to go the legal route, you might as well just build a Mame setup. Get an old computer and a J-Pac from Ultimarc, that total cost will be much less than $400 or $450.

There's also some very reasonably priced XBOX/Jamma adaptors out there, and the XBOX has a pretty good (albeit old) version of Mame, plus every other major emulator you can think of.


Oh, also be careful of some of the horizontal multikits, they're Nintendo/Famicom based. The one posted doesn't seem to be that way (has games that were never on the NES/Fami) but I've seen quite a few that are and as can be expected.. they're horrid.

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