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RAM - Random Access Memories - Dumping Comcast


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Recently I dumped Comcast as my cable provider, and gave another company

RCN a chance and you know I like them better. Oh sure there were many

reasons to keep Comcast as there were to just plain dump them. Until

recently when their own actions tipped the scale over to RCNs side. It

wasn't the fact that RCN here provides nearly all the pay movie channels

all for the same price I am paying for digital cable plus Encore. In fact

what actually did it was 2 fold. First up and the biggest reason of all.

Unexplained outages lasting anywhere from 2 to 12 hours. There has been

at least 9 such outages in the last 3 months alone, and by the way

Comcast won't give you credit for the outages if they are planned. I had

to learn that last thing from one of the cable techs who was working on

the line and they told me that customer should of told me that, and

no it wasn't to improve service it was to adjust their system so their

new phone service. What I learned talking to those techs that their phone

service they offer has more outages than swiss cheese has holes. Most

who have the service don't notice them as they happen for the most part

during the day or late at night, but they do happen. Then there is the

second reason, I like Made in America. Thanks to On Demand I got hooked

on that show. You see I always liked since I was a kid in fact anything

to do with the actual making of anything, so it was destined that I like

it. It's on the Travel Channel, that along with Boomerang seems to be

the 2 most requested channels amoung cable providers, also of note the

2 channels Comcast has been elimating from their system. Don't believe

me, then check out www.comcast.com and try to find them. You won't

they aren't there.


So with this against then I dumped Comcast, and boy did I get some info

from the RCN Installer. Who first told me that my Comcast digital cable

box hadn't been made (at least that model) in 3 years. It seems my old

cable box which was the same size of a full size DVD player had been

replaced by the newer model which is the size of any portable CD player.

It is that small and does the exact same thing as my old Comcast box,

you might be wondering if it's a different manufactor. They both were

made by Motorola. The other big thing is what Comcast doesn't want anyone

to know about and was later confirmed by a Sunday Business show I watch,

which reported Comcast had lost 30% of it's customers to other providers.

That at least 2 out of every 3 new installs that tech does are either

current or former Comcast customers.


Here is another thing I learned from the various techs who I saw over

the years who came to work on my Comcast service. That most of them

don't have Comcast as a service provider, it breaks down to roughly this

30% have the dish, 30% have other providers, and the final 40% either

don't have either or have Comcast.


My RCN service which has been pretty good, dispite Comcast having 2 more

outages just this month, and by the way I switched on Aug 2nd. Their

On Demand has less stuff no movie trailers, and a lot less stuff to watch

but I really don't mind. For simply this reason I have more channels I

actually watch.


One last thing if you have cable and have problems with the service,

check out the competition you might get a better deal with an offer

to go with it. Like I did $55 a month for the first 3 after it jumps

to the exact same price I was paying Comcast.




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