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Shannon's Blog - Awecades - Wish List Part 2 (Konami Pak)


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OK.. I could probably name a million things that I wish for the awecades. Some of them in control of the awecades team. Some of them not. Some of them just simply not feasible. Anyways I'll just try to stick to the achievable for now. After all I do not want to scare anyone off. I'm sure that with time other cabinet types will become available for the more particular among the crowd. :D


The first one was an easy one. I actually have a list already prepared. But deciding what to include second.. Well.... So I just picked this one cause it has alot of my favorites and was tied with another one which I want to save for later.


Assuming that the pak's follow the same pattern as classic pak's released on the PC. I would presume that the game list would consist of the following. I pulled this list from the Konami Collector's Series for the GBA.


Frogger, Scramble, Gyruss, Time Pilot, Yie Ar Kung Fu and Rush'n Attack.


Here are some from Konami Arcade Classics for the PS1.


Pooyan, Circus Charlie, Road Fighter, Shaolin's Road, Roc n' Rope, Super Cobra


A few added by me now that my memory is being jogged..


Amidar, Turtles, Tutankham, Juno First, Hyper Sports, Mikie, Time Pilot '84, Nemesis (Gradius), Salamander, Contra, Super Contra, Devil World, Final Round, Gang Busters, The Main Event, Track -n- Field, Vulcan Venture, Thunder Cross, (TMNT, X-men, Simpsons and Aliens (one can dream)), and Parodius.


There's more, but that oughta give you an idea of the number of decent Konami titles.


Where should I start??


Frogger - Why did the frog cross the road? Classic game with classic music. Too bad they mutilated the music in the Collector's Series. I'm sure that licensing had something to do with it. Regardless, I'd still like to see this. Even with the crappy new music.

Gyruss - Great music, great game. Kinda like a 3d variation of Galaga. I can play this one for hours.

Pooyan - A personal favorite of mine. Didn't even know it was arcade till years later. Your the little pigs fighting the big bad wolfs. Nuff said.

Roc n' Rope - Fun little game..

Tutankham - Something about this game always appealed to me.

Track -n- Field, Hyper Sports, etc - Time to get the 'ol comb out for this one. Great button masher.


Tons of horizontal shooters in here that are fun to play. Scramble, Super Cobra, Nemesis, Salamander, etc. And of course we cannot forget Contra! And of course the TMNT, X-men, and Simpson games that we will never see "legally". But it's nice to dream.




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