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Flack's Daily Smack - Big Commodork Updates!


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Wow! Things are going better than I ever would have imagined. Less than a month ago I was a guy with a bunch of Microsoft Word files sitting around on his laptop. One month later and now I'm a world famous author! Ok, maybe not world famous, but sometimes it feels that way.


As some of you know, I've already sold out of the first 30 books I ordered. I just ordered another 50 tonight, so hopefully those will arrive before the end of next week. The first 30 shall be known as the rare, first edition prints (also known as the ones with typos). They will also be known as the copies without ISBN numbers! The new books will be "official", complete with ISBN numbers. I guess that means that a copy of Commodork will now be in the Library of Congress -- weird! More importantly, with an ISBN number the book will now begin appearing in online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and so on. It takes 4-6 weeks for that to start happening, but that's okay. By the way, for any of you would-be Lulu authors, figuring out how to purchase an ISBN number is a complete pain in the ass. I've been working on it for over an hour now. I've saved all my notes, so if you ever need to do it, drop me a line.


Here are two very cool things that have happened over the past day or so. Number one, I've been invited to appear at the Emergency Chicagoland Commodore Convention (ECCC) in Chicago on September 30th, signing and selling books! I will also be doing a reading from the book at the show as well. I've never done anything like that before, so we'll see how that goes.


I was also contacted by a group of guys out of Germany who write a retro computer magazine and wanted to interview me for their magazine. How cool is that! I have NO idea how someone in Germany heard about the book, but apparently they did. Maybe that'll be my new line. "I'm big in Germany, you know."


Feedback from people who have read the book has been great so far, although I'm not sure people would take time out of their day to let me know how much my book stinks.


Link: ECCC (September 30, 2006)



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