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Shannon's Blog - Awecades - The Pak's part 5


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Ok. So as I'm bored passing time waiting for this thing and I seem stuck in a never ending loop of delays. I figured I'd go over the game Pak's available for it.


The fifth one is one that I've been kinda looking forward to covering despite the fact that I really do not know much about alot of the games in it. It is the "Exidy Excitement Pak". Certainly something to get excited about if you like Exidy and light gun games!!


Here is a list of games it includes.


Normal games - Bandido, Circus, Hardhat, Mousetrap, Pepper II, Spectar, Targ, Top Secret, Venture, Victory


Light Gun games - Catch 22, Cheyenne, Clay Pigeon, Combat, Crackshot, Crossbow, Hit n Miss, Showdown, Who Dunnit


I only know a few of these titles but anyways here are usual comments...


Venture - I discovered this game in a safeway while perusing around during a fourth of July parade as a kid. Hey... Why watch a parade when you can be playing arcade games!! The safeway was across the road from the local "Five and Dime". Hey remember those?? All I remember is I loved the game, hated the stick. My first experience with Venture was on the colecovision (crappy stick included! :lol: ), and here I had discovered an original arcade! I used to ride my bike about 5 miles to get to this thing. Ahhhh youthful enthusiasm!


Mousetrap - Neat little game because you get to modify the maze with the press of a button! Check out the 2600 homebrew forum for a 2600 version of this game!


Pepper II - I honestly never knew this was an arcade game back in the day. It's kinda like Amidar except with a bigger maze.


Exidy games were interesting in that Coleco had the rights to these and translated many of these to run on the colecovision. This makes the Colecovision a good companion to the Atari 5200.


Light Gun Games - Since I do not know a whole lot about these I'll just lump em all together. Oddly enough several of these were translated for use on the XEG and it's lightgun. Maybe I'll pull out my XEG and see how they compare!


Well that's it for this set. I briefly covered the games I actually know and that is about it. So until the next blog entry!




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