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Shannon's Blog - Awecades - Wish List Pt. 8 (Sega Classics Pak 1)


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OK I figured since arcade games were available for the awecade in PAK's that I would make a wish lish of packs I'd like to see. Today's entry is the Sega Classics Pak 3. Idea based on well nothing.... But a list I compiled. This one took a little while cause I had to do some research first to get together a list.


I have not decided how I'm gonna divide these up yet, so don't be surprised if I edit them after the fact like I did my Capcom Pak which was just a little too big to be called a pak.


With all the great compilation packs coming from everyone and their mother. One has to wonder what Sega has been upto. Sure they released the "Sega Classics" for PS2 which was a compilation of Sega Ages released in Japan. But that was basically crap and more like remakes than true emulation.


So let's start with the list please?? Ok I was a little torn between mixing up the 8-bit stuff with the 16-bit stuff. Since that is what alot of other packs do. But I'm just gonna take the easy way out..


Sega (G80)



Star Trek, Tac/Scan, Eliminator, Space Fury (A creature for my amusement), Zektor


Astro Blaster, Monster Bash, 005, Pig Newton, Sinbad Mystery, Space Odyssey



Buck Rogers: Planet Of Zoom, Sub-Roc 3D, Turbo



Pengo, Ali Baba And 40 Thieves, Bank Panic, Calorie Vs. Moguranian (looks fun), Hopper Robo, Super Locomotive


Odds & Ends

Zaxxon, Super Zaxxon, Congo Bongo, Future Spy, Fonz


System 1-2

Up'n Down, Flicky, Wonder Boy, Choplifter, Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy In Monster Land


Sega dabbled alot in hardware so putting together a list that was halfway sane was a little tough. So lets move on shall we?


Vector games.. Yes! Believe it or not Atari was not the only one that made vector games. Although they probably did dominate the arcade cause I do not remember seeing any of these Sega titles. Although they are pretty fun. All of these used discrete sound (no sound chip) and some even had a speech chip.


Star Trek - First licensed arcade game? Some may not consider this a very exciting game, but hey! It talks! It's trek! The movies out! What more can you ask?

Space Fury - This one seem to have like a cult following or something. OK so it seems tacky these days. But hey, we loved it back in the day.

Bank Panic - Not very many people know about this game, but it is quite addicting to play. Try and stop the bank robbers without shooting innocent customers.

Zaxxon - It's 3D!! How could we not forget Zaxxon? Sure, technically it wasn't 3D. But back in the day we didn't know any better!

Fonz - Not even sure if this is emulated in MAME. But the guys over in the 2600 forums seems to think it is worthy enough to warrant a conversion. If it's good enough for them, it is good enough for me!

Flicky - Not very many people probably heard of this. If you liked Mappy, then you just may like this! The flickies in this game are the ones you save in Sonic's game debut. Sonic The Hedgehog!


Ok, well that's enough for now. I'm outta here!




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