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RAM - Random Access Memories - Ghosts, Psychics and Witches


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Ghosts, Psychics and Witches to me they are all the same. I was born a

skeptic and I shall forever be one. That line born one is no boast,

according to the stories I heard about my own Baptism, both from my own

family and close family friends, who were actually there, they both say

I screamed so loud during it, I literally shook the rafters of the church.

The Minister who proformed the ceremony said and I quote "It was like

the Devil himself was being baptised". You know I was banned from

that church for life, at least for the life of that Minister. Like

the time as a kid I found myself playing around that very same church

with my friends. I ran inside because I had to use the bathroom, lucky for

me I found the door open, once I tried to make my way out. I was stopped

by that same Minister, who asked me who I was. As soon as I told him, he

shouted "Keep out of the holy place, you child of Satin".


I have been born (or cursed, as some of my teachers had said) with a

natural curiosity about everything. As soon as the feeling hits me,

I got to find out all there is to know about that subject. So

I have to check it out in as much detail as possible. This has given

me much more knowledge than I had ever learned in school. I have some

friends who had been to college, even there amazed...and I

just barely graduated High School. The reason I mentioned this, is because

of those first 3 words in the blog. Lets start with Ghosts, the

skeptics say all this interest began in the late 1800s with 2 sisters.

Then I say what about the ghost stories from Europe and Asia, remember,

sprits are another name for ghosts. And those strories about them go back

thousands of years to ancient Greece and Rome and beyond. Then there is

the more common place ghost stories, you the ones you see on TV or hear

from a good friend. It has been my experiance most of these are fakes.

There is said to be a bar here in Chicago where drinks are magically

moved around. That same bar was even featured on servial TV shows

claiming this was all caused by ghosts. It did nice for business which

peaked up. But the actual story makes much more sense. You see the bar

was originally built for a retired magician of no fame. There are many

hidden devices built right into the walls. But for actual ghosts, there

has been some events in my life, which are very hard to explain. Lets

just say I don't disbelieve in ghosts, but it is through experiance that

at least 99% of the ghost stories are fake. But it's those 1% that just

plain make you wonder if there are really such things as ghosts. And I have

actually been to places where it is said to be haunted and like what the

real family said about the Amityville tale, we saw nothing.


Psychics are another matter..and no I do not believe in those Psychic

hotlines. For simply this reason, a few years back when a famous singer

put her name to one of these. Everyone was surprised when she got an award for

placing the most welfare recipants in jobs for that year. How? you might

ask, try her Psychic hotline. Later a NYC paper spoke to one of the

employees. I still rememeber that article, which stated they read their

lines from one of 9 books which they had availible to them. But I

believe not all of them are fakes, how could I deiny this fact when one

member of my own family was one of them, like my own Great Great

Grandmother. Who even family legends describe her "Spooky". The family

legends say she knew everything without being told, births, deaths,

who was having an affair, and who was about to go to prison (either she was

psychic or just plain nosey). She lived at the same time as the

Titantic was in the news. The reason I mention this is because of a tale

that has been passed down to me about how my Great Great Grandparents

were in England at the time and were both planning to immigrate here

to the US. Like most men of the day my Great Great Grandfather

was planning to come to the U.S. and later send for his bride. He was

planning to come here in grand style aboard nothing less than on the maiden

voyage of the HMS Titantic. My Great Great grandmother would not hear of this,

when she found out and, as the story says threaten to leave him. But he tried

to assure his bride all was safe, he actually brought his bride down to where

the Titantic was docked to show her how safe it was. All she saw was death,

and let him know that in no uncertain terms. The more he insisted the

more she insisted she was going to leave him. The fight was said to be

so bad the local police got involved if only to calm things down.

They eventually decided to go a month later, but this time together,

as she would not go any other time or way...lets just say the rest is

history as well as the makings of a good story.


So what about the rest of them, I consider them all fakes until they are

proven to my own sastifaction otherwise. By the way the spoon/key bending

trick is just a trick, anyone can do it, if they knew how.


You have to put witches in the same catagory as werewolves and vampires

under Halloween. Face it when we hear Witch with first think of the magical

beings we see on TV or in the movies. Not the reglion, which it actually is

and did you know in a real covenant there is as much nudity as in a Catholic

High Mass..none what so ever. How do I know this, as I said in previous posts

at least 6 members of my own family have been witches, and there was a few

warlocks as well. So how did my family get involved with witches. The story

goes way back to when the Black Death first hit the shores of Sweden. Just

do a search and see how long ago that actually was. The story is

so old that even the name of the member of my own family had simply vanished to

history, as well as those involved. I added names to the following story

which I believe fit best in this tale from long ago.


Mary was born ugly, so ugly in fact that her own parents even tried to hide

the fact that they had just had a child. Mary was kept indoors most of the time,

as she was repeatedly told by her parents, that she was to hidious to be seen

by any one other than members of her own family. In fact the only time she was

even allowed outside, was at night when the other people in her village were

sound alseep. Mary did not know what it was like to play in the sun, or even

what it was like to have friends. Meanwhile her own family did not treat her

as if she was there own, Mary was more like a slave, as she was made to work

around her home for every scrap of food she was ever given, only allowed to

wear rags. Then one day when Mary was only 12 she saw some children

outside of her home. All she wanted to do was say "Hello". But as soon as the

children saw Mary, they screamed and ran home to their mothers. Mary knew

instantly she was going to pay for this act of rebellion. As her father had

beaten her once before for the simple act of asking to go outside during the

day. Mary did not even wait around, she just ran, past both the screaming

adults as well as their children. Mary ran until she could not hear there

scream anymore, but still she would run even more.


Eventually Mary ran until she saw this lone woman in a field near some woods

picking up to what seemed to Mary were some weeds. Her curosity got the better

of her so she approached to woman. But as soon as she neared her Mary knew that

this stranger was going to scream at her. But that stranger's heart was full of

love. She took Mary into her arms and would not let her go, until Mary herself

began to cry as she did, she told this stranger of the horrors she faced by the

memebers of her own family. That was when the stranger asked Mary "Would you

live with me, if you do agree to do so I will treat you as if you were my own

daughter. Free to enjoy life, and to explore the wonders that is nature itself".

That was when Mary asked the stranger her name "Gretchen", she replied. Mary

frankly did not know what to do. Gretchen made Mary an offer that she could

stay with her as long as she liked, and promised not to stop her if she did

decide to go. Mary agreed if only to see what this woman was like.


The very first thing Mary saw the very next morning was a new

dress, with a brand new pair of shoes. Along with that the biggest breakfast

Mary had ever seen in her young life. Thinking back to her own family, Mary

then wondered if it was all for Gretchen. Gretchen replied "It is for us to

share equally, and enjoy" As the days and weeks went on, for the first time

in Marys young life she smiled. Gretchen more than kept her promise to Mary,

she helped her to enjoy life, the simple act of play which they did every

single day. Gretchen even helped Mary to give her an understanding of

nature and humanitys part within the grand scheme of things. Even on the few

times that Gretchen had company over, they too to seem to understand about

Mary's sometimes unwillingness to let herself to bee seen. But as the months

grew on and winter was soon near, Mary would bring to one of Gretchens friends

a flower, possibly last of the season. Everyone there seemed to know that Mary

was well on her way to live a normal life. At least that is what they all hoped.


But as the years went on Mary began to understand why Gretchen along with her

friends for the most part shunned the villages, staying mostly with themselves.

For they were all apart of a covenant of witches and warlocks. But they were not

interested in casting spells for each of them including Gretchen herself was an

expert in what today we call holestic medicine.


A brief explaination is needed here, back then there were no doctors...and what

professional help you might be able to find was more than likely to kill you,

rather than cure you of your illness. Like the stories of how George Washington



Mary learned from all of them, especially from Hans he was the most senior member,

Half blind and very wise. It was from Hans that Mary learned that both her parents

had died of this strange illiness from overseas, which some called the Black Death.

It was because of this, very early in the spring of the following year Mary herself

returned to the village of her birth, and when she saw the Mayor's handsome son, her

heart flew. You see by now Mary had grown in to a fine intelligent young woman.

Gretchen had a hard time dealing with both Mary crush on this young man and her looks

which had not improved with age. On the one hand she was sympathic, and on the other

hand she wanted Mary to understand that nearly everyone choose the spouse by their

apperance rather than their personality. But Mary would not listen, she ran from her

home with Gretchen to the village that shunned her. It was there she forced her way

to see the Mayor, who almost forceably had Mary taken away. It seemed Mary wanted to

make a deal, for she told The Mayor that she knew how all of them, town leaders and

villagers alike could all survive the next wave of the Black Death they all knew that

was coming, for it would aways return...but yet no one knew why.


But Mary knew as so did the others within her covenen. The answer was simple it was

the fleas and ticks that from infected rats that inturned pass this horrible disease

on to people. But the one thing I should add here is this, no one washed, they also

never washed their clothes. You might be surprised by this it was also common

practice to give the clothing once worn by someone who died even of the black death

to another and often those clothes were infested with both fleas and ticks. For the

covenant learned that if the fleas and ticks were some how killed like the rats, no

one would become infected. But to be doublely sure, everyone not only washed

themselves but their clothes.


It may seem like I'm making a bad joke, like something right out of a Monty Python

sketch. But read a history book or check online through some seach engine, and see

if I am wrong.


The Mayor agreed with Mary's terms if only no one died, Mary assured the Mayor no

one would die, if the follow her instructions to the letter.


It may seem like I let of a part here, but you know what Mary wanted, and the Mayor

did not want to see any more of the villagers die off. Maybe on second thoough I did

you see the covenant not only created their own natural pesticide which my family

actually used up until the days of my Granma. But they had also created a very

effective rat poison. All of which Mary herself created and told the others how

it was to be used, and if someone became sick their was a medicine Mary could make

that would cure them. I know this sounds crazy, but the Black Death can be cured

by the use of antibotics. I am not saying that they had them back then. But many

plants do contain trace elements of what we would call antibotics and if they

are concentraited people can be cured.


Despite the reluctance of the villagers no one died that year, or the year after

when Mary and the Mayor's son were married. But don't look for any happily ever

after sort of deal here. For the marrage was in name only. In fact The Mayor's

son NEVER acknowledged that Mary was his wife. After a year and a half of this

Mary gave her husband his freedom and left the village forever. In less than 2

years, the Black Death returned and 6 months later the the Mayor's son died

of the Black Death.


So where did Mary wind up, try far north above the Artic Circle. Where she met

a band of Laplanders, Reindeer Herdsmen. Let me tell you something about

Laplanders, they judge someone only by their actions, and not their looks. Mary

fell love once again, but this time the feeling was mutual with someone of her

own age, who was blinded in a freak accident. He need Mary as much as she needed

him. They were married soon after, and finally this is how Mary became apart of my

family. It was not because of Gretchen or even the Mayor's son. There is a part

of my family tree that is descendant from Laplanders. A fact which I am very proud of.


And lastly Werewolves....I am going to skip Vampires as they are a creation of



Legends about Werewolves have existed as long as we humans have been around. Maybe

a creation of our own fears, maybe not. But werewolves have always puzzled me, for

no matter how old the civaliztion or what there beliefs werewolves or a combination

of some species of canine mixed with human elements will be there from Eqyptian to

Mayain. But did you know there was an actual reported sighting of werewolves. According

to many werewolf sites and my own research it took place just outside of Cologne,

Germany back in the 1500s when a shepherd saw a pack of them savagily attack and

devower his flock. Okay, I give that one too you it might of been wolves...maybe.

But the one thing that makes me say that, was a legend told to me, by a very old

man when I was still just a child.


But here is a little know fact of history. The following information is quite true

for it is found in any history book, special or even online. Even if you know little

about history you have heard of Genghis Khan and of how he and his Mongal horde

conquered nearly all of Asia, a good stretch of the Middle East. Then after defeating

the Russians in an area known as The Russian Steps. He suddenly went back to China.

Let me tell you one thing here according to every expert, including those at the

Vatican. Everyone at that time was expecting Genghis Khan to conquer all of Europe

as he did ever where else they had been, but to suddenly turn back. To this date I

had not even seen a single explaination for this action.


Which leads me back to werewolves strangely enough. You see I heard this story, legend

actually from a landlord of a building my family once rented an apartment from. You see

they were asleep and I couldn't. He couldn't either, for when he saw me alone down the

hall, he invited me in. Made me some hot chocolate, with garlic toast, that was really

loaded with garlic (something I still eat and enjoy to this day). He told me about his

life as I told him mine as it was. I found out he was from the very same region where

the Russians were defeated by no less than Genghis Khan. Then he told me of a rarely

told legend of why Genghis Khan returned to China. Finally with this blog I thought

I like to pass it along...to anyone that was insterested, such as yourself.


Genghis Khan along with his men had just returned to the same village they had only

departed from days earlier, before they were to meet the Russians in battle. Mainly

to rest, but mostly to boast to the villagers of their great victory before heading

off to conquer Europe. But as Genghis Khan quickly learned from the villagers, he

had only defeated the second greatest force in the region. That was when Genghis

Khan himself ordered the leader of the village to meet with him, any refusal met

death. When the leader of the village finally presented himself, he was question

about this supposed greater force. That village elder told the Great Khan about a

people simply known as "The Wolf People". For even though they lived no better than

animals, that called the same valley there home. They had never been conquered,

and in fact none of them had ever died in battle, there was even an ancient legend

where in they had defeated an entire Roman Legion. Genghis Khan simply had enough,

he had once vowed to conquer the entire known world and nothing, not even those who

lived like animals would stop him from doing so.


So once the Great Khan had made his way to the center of that village. He swore to

them all he would prove that his forces were indeed unstoppable, by bringing in as

many hands of "The Wolf People" as possible, as proof of their victory over them.

That was when an old woman stepped forth, warning The Great Khan that all of this

was folly. That he and his men should return to the land that had spawned them.

For if they were to face The Wolf People in battle they would also bring a curse

to the lands that they had conquered, as the battle of the Romans had brought a

curse to all of Europe. An archer, one amoung The Great Khan's men asked if he

should kill the old woman. The Great Khan reply, Only proof would shut any of them

up. The Great Khan then ordered his men to go.


For this battle to be was unlike any of Khan's men had ever faced. For they had

always been the master of the battle, why even the word of their comming had

caused kingdoms to give up without a single life being taken. But now, Khan's

own men trembled in fear, for while The Great Khan talked with the leader of that

it was the villagers who had spoken with Khan's men...and told them tales about

the battles others had tried to defeat The Wolf People. The only remains of their

efforts..the blood soaked ground they left behind. For not a single piece of skin

or bone, or yet along a scrap of cloth had been ever found of whom that had tried

to ever conquer the people of the wolf. The Great Khan grew agry at the stories

his men was saying and ordered it stopped.


Nothing was spoken until they had all reacted the very place The Wolf People could

be found. They all in fact saw these mostly naked men, women and even children.

Some of Khan's men were surprised that some of them used animal hides to keep

warm. But they had nothing, no weapons, no great battle machines...nothing.

The Great Khan then ordered his men in and put an end to their misable lives.


But that was the last thing some of Khan's men would ever do. For as soon as they

neared with sword in hand. Something stared to happen within the people of the

Wolf. They then dropped any of their covering and started to change.


Stories would be latter told of how The Wolf People became wolves themselves, then

headed straight towards the attacking force. Those that stood their ground were

killed, like the horses they rode upon. With more and more of then heading towards

The Great Khan, who imagined that even more of them was coming over the horizon.

The Great Khan then ordered a retreat. Those that choose to run were spared, those

that stood their ground were in fact killed out right.


It is said, that The Great Khan was so embrassed by his actions of that day. He would

return to China and rule the lands that they conquered until the end of his days, and

that is what actually happened. For no historian has any explaination why Genghis

Kahn turned away from Europe and returned to his homeland. In fact I came across

one strange twist in this tale it seemed the Great Kahn never ventured far from

the sea once he returned to China. For when Genghis Khan died his land was split amoug

his sons, who would in time eventually lose control of the conquered lands to history.






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