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Has an XBOX ever froze on you?

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They only freeze as much as any other disc based console (usually from disc problems - scratches etc.).

The store units tend to freeze a LOT.

I have a mate who works in a games store and he told me why - it's the big green light on the playpost, when that's on the thing crashes all the time - probably just the heat it generates.

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I had my Dreamcast freeze on me the first week I had it after playing NFL2K for awhile. I think the problem was that I had the system setting on carpet and it got too hot. I've kept it on a flat surface since so it could stay ventilated and have never had the problem again.


So keep the XBox off the carpet.

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  • 10 months later...

My Xbox has frozen several times when I was playing Halo or Steel Battalion. Each time it froze, it was loading in a new section (start mission, finished mission, new map).


I opened up the drive door and blew some air duster into the console a couple of days ago, and it hasn't frozen since. I haven't gotten much play time in, though. I'm hoping I won't get any more freezing for a while.

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my xbox used to freeze at a certain point in splashdown at the character select screen, but later found out the saved file was corrupt, i deleted it and started anew and everything was fine - but it also frooze rarely for me, mainly because it was in a contained spot where the heat got too much and there was no breathing room, now i have more air and space for it :)

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I've had my UK Xbox for a year now and it has never let me down. I asked my friends (X5) about their Xboxs and they also have never had this happen.


I use it on Live and we often have Lan parties and they behave admirably...we even once had a 24 hour session of multiplayer Halo and the Xboxs were still good and 3 of the Xboxs were on the carpet.

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Mine freezes every now and then. Like Starscream said, it's usually the game that's being played. I bought LOTR for the boys, and I believe it even says in the booklet that it will freeze the first few times played. I thought it was defective at first, but leave it to my 10 year old to set me straight.

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I bought LOTR for the boys, and I believe it even says in the booklet that it will freeze the first few times played.  

That's unusual (and rather poor programming...they should fix the bugs, not just document them in the manual). What kind of bug would make a game freeze the first few times, and then work 100% after???

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I bought LOTR for the boys, and I believe it even says in the booklet that it will freeze the first few times played.  

That's unusual (and rather poor programming...they should fix the bugs, not just document them in the manual). What kind of bug would make a game freeze the first few times, and then work 100% after???

The Xbox does have a HD, that would have to be part of the solution.


Lazy programmers suck so much.

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I bought LOTR for the boys, and I believe it even says in the booklet that it will freeze the first few times played.  

That's unusual (and rather poor programming...they should fix the bugs, not just document them in the manual). What kind of bug would make a game freeze the first few times, and then work 100% after???


Hehe, that's EA for ya... :D

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Nope, no prob with mine. It froze once, but my 9 year old had played it last. I took out the disc, wiped off her greasy potato chip fingerprints from the disc and it never happened again.

I think the "xbox freezes up" legend was started by Sony or Nintendo. I have a bunch of games, and my "box" goes sometimes from early am to late night (betwqeen me and the 2 kids) and never a problem.

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