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Just downloaded a bunch of game menu disks made by homesoft, but I was wondering...


What is homesoft?


Was there a method to the madness? IOW did they have a specific reason for putting the games on the disks in the order that they did?


I'm just wondering what differentiates them from other multi-game disk collections I have seen out there.

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Just downloaded a bunch of game menu disks made by homesoft, but I was wondering...


What is homesoft?


Was there a method to the madness? IOW did they have a specific reason for putting the games on the disks in the order that they did?


I'm just wondering what differentiates them from other multi-game disk collections I have seen out there.


I don't know, but I made a sorted list so I could find the games I was looking for.


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Awesome list. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!


As for what makes them different, well, some of these compilations contain homebrew titles (such as Burgertime aka Beef Drop) and it seems they are continually updating these multi disks with the recent addition of the Boulder Dash variants. Hey, whatever they are, they are great. I personally love multi disks, and much of the time I just mount a random one in APE, power on the 800XL, and enjoy. I end up trying games that I probably otherwise would have overlooked this way. Still, very nice to have a list of the titles contained :)

Edited by zektor800
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Yeah I was just wondering if there was something, somehow, special about them. Like "fixing" games to properly run on XL/XE models, etc. Although I did notice that some files still have the scene intro loaders.


I usually dump my stuff on those megadisk images.

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At the risk of being dense,is this a list of the files on the Holmes CDs?

If not,what are they?


Well the first one is an .rtf file. You should be able to load that into Word or Wordpad.


The second one though is a spreadsheet and you will need Excel, or something that can read Excel spreadsheets.


And to answer your question. Yes. The first list goes up to disk 318, the 2nd to 325.

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I know tne format of the lists. I just wondered about the content,as I have the

three Holmes CDs,and they are not numbered in disks like this.Thanks.


We are talking about "Homesoft"


Not to be confused with "Holmes"


Sorry I didn't catch that minor difference earlier.


Is there a place where you can download them in larger chunks?


325 download would just be painful.


There is plenty of software out there that will let you get multiple downloads from a webpage like getright, or if you use firefox you can get an extension called turboDTA. That's how I did it.

Edited by Shannon
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Hey all together, you are quiet funny making a lot of work to create a gamelist of my archive. If you visit my site at http://www.atari8bit.de.vu and open your eyes you will see that the first download of each category (sort by number or first letter) will be an actual game list ;)


To the archive content:

No - there are no special rules how the games are located on the disks. But most of the games, especialy most games of the last about 100 disks are manipulated to one-file-versions or faster executing Basic-progs or any other minor changes... A lot of the games which work that way you will only find at my site :cool:


Greetz, Homesoft

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Hey all together, you are quiet funny making a lot of work to create a gamelist of my archive. If you visit my site at http://www.atari8bit.de.vu and open your eyes you will see that the first download of each category (sort by number or first letter) will be an actual game list ;)


To the archive content:

No - there are no special rules how the games are located on the disks. But most of the games, especialy most games of the last about 100 disks are manipulated to one-file-versions or faster executing Basic-progs or any other minor changes... A lot of the games which work that way you will only find at my site :cool:


Greetz, Homesoft


I started with your list, and changed it into what I wanted :)

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But most of the games, especialy most games of the last about 100 disks are manipulated to one-file-versions or faster executing Basic-progs or any other minor changes...


I love your Image archive. :lust:


Especially the mentioned one-file-versions of Turbo BASIC programes.


For example the Turbo Basic game Sheep Race. This is a nice little game that needs normally DOS and DUP, Turbo Basic as AUTORUN.SYS and a small Basic loader (AUTORUN.BAS). The loader loads first the title screen and then the main program. Instead of that many files on one disk only one COM-file - great work!


In the german magazine READY I write every month a short review about new homesoft images.

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To the archive content:

No - there are no special rules how the games are located on the disks. But most of the games, especialy most games of the last about 100 disks are manipulated to one-file-versions or faster executing Basic-progs or any other minor changes... A lot of the games which work that way you will only find at my site :cool:


Greetz, Homesoft


Oh ok. That pretty much answers my question. The Holmes archive had some basic games converted too bootable .ATR's. Problem is, alot of them were missing files. :lol:

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