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EricBall's Tech Projects - Leprechaun - more AI updates


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I'll also update the Leprechaun Level Editor in a minute.



1. enemies on ropes will fall if you pass under them

2. enemies get off ladders before they get to the top

3. simple enemy-enemy collision detection to keep them from getting stuck together (sometimes they pass through each other, sometimes they bounce, but they shouldn't stay in lockstep)

4. code tweaks and a fix so the player doesn't always face left when stopped


I haven't put in the drop-off detection yet. From a code perspective it's an extension of the ladder enhancement, but I'm not sure how it will impact gameplay. I'm concerned it might lead to the enemies getting stuck more easily when the player is higher than them. Even now there are a lot of cases the enemy AI doesn't effectively chase the player. (It's easy enough to put in a kind of "left-wall-follow" logic, the trick is knowing when to stop!)


Hmm.... I wonder if hunting until the enemy is either in the same column or row would work (and going in the right direction...)


No walking on heads yet. That impacts a different chunk of code. I've learned to keep the deltas small.






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