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What will you/did you do at VGXPO?

Duke 4ever

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This thread will server as a thread of telling us what you plan to do/ or what you have done (after the show) at VGXPO.


Can't wait to hear everybody's responses.



For me, Ill be spending some money on some Saturn/PSX/3DO/ATARI, etc games. Maybe some systems too.


Ill be hangin round the AtariAge booth as well checking out some of the stuff goin on. Ill probably chat with some of you guys there.

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At this years VGXPO. I will be hoping to exchange a few rare 2600 games for some other 2600 rarities or for a prototype


Having a few of my Electronic Games magazines signed


Buying some posters for the game room


Playing at the arcade for a while


Watching some tournaments (Hopes for Bust A Move to be there)


To spend about $1000

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I didn't know you had a table this year!!!


I will be selling about 75 boxed 2600 games, some Sega boxed and SNES boxed stuff.


I will have a boxed NES, 2600, maybe a 7800 and some pong clones FS. I have a pair of Coleco Telstar Arcades that you can make 1 good one from. I have a bunch of arcade stuff that is in my "God, make it disappear" box (getting out of a business is GREAT!). I have about 500 loose carts FS, too.


Some loose 2600's and pretty much everything in my crawlspace. Need the cash to finish a few of my wanted lists.


Word up, really looking forward to seeing folks!!! I should be the one next to my Computer Space machine.




(Was hoping to demo some 2600 portable case designs I have been working on. May still bring one to show but its FAR from done. My mill software did not arrive in time to install and bring my DiVinci Mill :()

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They are calling for rain Friday...looks like Computer Space may not be there after all. I will have a TON more stuff (systems and bizarre bits) for sale than I had thought.


If you want cheap stuff, swing by my table. I have Atari computers, CoCo,Coleco, 2600's, 7800 boxed, Intelly boxed with games, pong clones, 2600 box, C64 box and lots of totes to rummage through for a buck or two part you need. Looks like 200 or so loose 2600 carts also.


I suppose my protos for trade will look puny next to Tempest's stuff....



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We don't have a fully working 5200 controller so that's all we will be looking for to buy since I don't think Tempest will trade the Grover proto for a hug. :P But mostly we're really looking foreward to seeing friends very much so.

If Cassidy, Tempest or Albert need any help setting up on Fri we have a clear scedule so let us know we'd love to be there and me be in the way. Wit home being so close TVs systems and surge protectors are no problem to pick up.

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I just found out that I'll be stopping by VGXPO on Sunday morning from around 9am to 1pm! I'll be in NJ for a wedding and luckily the Valley Forge Convention Center isn't too far away. So, I'll see you guys there! :) I'll be wandering around and helping at the AA booth. This has nothing to do with the thread, but I can tell you what I did at the *last* VGXPO! :)



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