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Mord's Blog - (Action RPG) Version 0.006


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Not that there's much different between this and version 0.005, it's about all I'm going to pretty it up at this point. All I did was remove a few things here and there that weren't needed and were just messing up the code unnecessarily. I figured it was pointless to go through the display code right now as I'm changing/modifying it with the next goal anyway, which I'm hoping to have done by sunday night. :)


That next goal is going to be the status bar. :ponder:


This will obviously cause changes to the display kernel, which is why I'm leaving it as is for now. I plan on having several different display kernels written as this thing goes on, but one constant feature of them all will be the player's status bar which I'm going to place at the top of the screen. This way I can just clear collision latches as the status bar finishes up so that any collisions detected at the end of the frame will only be caused by the in-game portion of the screen. At first I was considering putting it at the bottom but then I realized I'd have to save collision latches before the statusbar began, which isn't very efficient. :|


Attached is a zip containing the source code for version 0.006 as it stands now as well as a binary of it. Anyone who's seen version 0.005 in action won't notice any difference. Yeah, I know the code isn't super optimized, I also know some of the things I can do to cut down a few bytes of rom space here and there etc. I'll likely change things around as I work on the next version. Was planning on doing that sort of stuff this week but ended up sleeping half of it away. :D




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