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Mord's Blog - (Action RPG) Status Bars


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So after a weekend of mucking with code, and making the obvious typo errors as usual :) I managed to hammer out a status bar. It's functional if not exactly how I want it yet. For one, different color choices need to be made. Secondly, the code explicitedly write out each line (no loops) and that annoys me. I'm going to try to loop things up in version 0.008 as well as add a Mana bar to go under the HP bar already functioning. I also have an idea for altering the max-hp size for the bar as well. Right now it's just showing the absolute max-hp that will be allowed. PF2 will be used to alter that before I'm finished.


The reasons for doing the status bar at this point:


1. The Status Bar doesn't change from room-type to room-type, and every room-type must include it. So add it now then work on room formats.


2. The kernel for the status bar uses an async playfield setup. This is my first attempt at it. Where it's self-contained and predictable it's good practice for when I add async room types.


In the next version, I'm going to continue working on the Status Bar, add to it, clean it up, etc. After I know exactly how many scanlines it'll use, and can take that information into account for the roomtypes, I'll try to define an actual roomtype rather than using the Test Room in there now.


As you can see from the screenshot and from the rom attached, The left hand of the bar has the HP bar, and it reads the current value of PlayerHP and represents that visually compared to HPMAX. The other side of the screen holds the currently equipped item. Right now it just has a test item graphic there to show what it does. Later on it's color will be loaded from rom and whatnot. That side needs the most work, from positioning of the item better (I don't do a Hmove for yet) and I'm wondering if I want to have it represented as a double-sized sprite or not. Something for me to experiment with if nothing else.


The rom includes an AlteringPlayerHP demo function that automatically increases the PlayerHP from 0-HPMAX and back down to 0 repeatedly. It still alters player movement like Version 0.005/0.006 does.




















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