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Bob's Blog - Opaque Elevators


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LATEST 'N' NOT-SO-GREATEST version of the Elevator Repairman knockoff:





The sprites is all screwed up because I rewrote part of the kernel and didn't have time to fix the variable setup routines. The kernel works fine; the variables just aren't being setup properly. But that's no big deal.


Oh yeah, I also took out a bunch of stuff (score, 48-char display, etc.) that was using RAM - I needed the RAM and I didn't want to waste time optimizing when the kernel is still in flux, so I just deleted all that stuff. :D


These are bigger deals: at the suggestion of supercat, I sunk a ton of RAM into making the elevators solid. :)

RAM is pretty tight now, but it should be manageable.


However, as I mentioned in the comments to the previous post, the routine that sets up all that RAM for the elevators takes a looooooong time. It took about 65 scanlines but I optimized it (and fixed some bugs) last night so now it takes about 48 scanlines. So I could split it between the overscan and the vblank, but that's such an annoying pain that I'm hoping to come up with something faster.


Here's the routine in question:



;--new method:

;--Y position of elevators ranges from 0 to 80


; upon beginning this routine, ElevY will hold values pointing to the tops

; of the elevators

; -so first thing to do is to subtract ELEV_HEIGHT from each Y position

; so that ElevY holds the *bottom* of the elevators

; -after processing the bottom of the elevators, flag that we processed

; the bottom of that elevator (temp variables) and add ELEV_HEIGHT back to the

; the Y position so that it points to the top.

; -after processing the top of the elevators, ORA ElevY with 128 (set top bit)

; -when the lowest Y position (ElevY) is a negative number (top bit set) then we are done.



ldx #6


lda ElevY,X



sta ElevY,X

lda #0

sta Temp+2,X ;clear flags also


bpl InitializeElevYLoop


;--initialize the bottom band with zeroes

lda #0

sta ElevRAM

sta ElevRAM+14

sta ElevRAM+29

sta ElevRAM+44

sta ElevBandHeight


ldy #0


jsr FindLowestPtSubroutine

;--now Temp holds lowest value

; and Temp+1 holds index into which elevator is the lowest

lda Temp

bmi AllDone

cmp ElevBandHeight,Y

beq SameBand

;--else: new band, so

; bring all values from old band into new band:

sta ElevBandHeight+1,Y

lda ElevRAM,Y

sta ElevRAM+1,Y

lda ElevRAM+14,Y

sta ElevRAM+15,Y

lda ElevRAM+29,Y

sta ElevRAM+30,Y

lda ElevRAM+44,Y

sta ElevRAM+45,Y



ldx Temp+1

lda ElevPtrTableLo,X

sta MiscPtr

lda (MiscPtr),Y

eor ElevFlipTable,X

sta (MiscPtr),Y

lda Temp+2,X ;flags that determine top or bottom of elev

eor #$FF

sta Temp+2,X

bne JustProcessedElevBottom

;--else that was the top

lda ElevY,X

ora #$80

sta ElevY,X

bne SetElevRAMLoop ;branch always


;--that was the bottom, now set it for the top

lda ElevY,X



sta ElevY,X

bne SetElevRAMLoop ;branch always



;--now we have to deal with situation where the highest

; elevator(s) is at the top line

lda ElevBandHeight,Y

cmp #80

bne NoElevAtVeryTop



sty Temp+2 ;save this value for later







lda #255

sta Temp

ldx #6

stx Temp+1


lda ElevY,X

cmp Temp

bcs NotLowestPt

sta Temp

stx Temp+1



bpl FindLowestPtLoop


;--Temp+1 holds index into lowest elevator

; Temp holds the height of the low elevator




And here's the source if you want to see things with more context:




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