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Flack's Daily Smack - Haunting the Zoo


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Saturday evening, Mason, Morgan, Susan and I went to "Haunt the Zoo." It's one of those "safe" alternatives to trick-or-treating your own neighborhood, which is kind of silly considering we plan on trick-or-treating our neighborhood as well. Think of it as a dry run.


We arrived at the zoo just before dark and noticed that several thousand other people decided to haunt the zoo Saturday evening as well. While parking, I overheard the parking attendant report back that there were "five parking spots left" in the Zoo parking lot. Fortunately we got one of those five and didn't have to park across the street at Remington Park.


The annual Haunt the Zoo event is a neat idea, in theory. There are about 20 different "scenes" where kids can get their pictures taken and get candy. The only thing that kept it from being super fun were the thousands of other people there, pushing their way through the lines in a mad rush to get to the candy. Each candy station was divided into two lanes to ease foot traffic, and more than once we saw adults going through one side, doubling back, then back again through the other side (in order to get twice the amount of candy). We also saw lots of adults cutting in line and doing other crazy stuff in their quest of bite-sized Snickers bars. Seems pretty crazy, the bar at which some people are willing to sacrifice their ethics.


Ah well. The kids had fun and will have more fun Tuesday night.




More pixtures here: http://www.robohara.com/albums/haunt_the_zoo



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