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FS: VECTREX light pen limited edition


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hello, since i also lost my main clients due to the web-crash, i am reducing my collections. most of my vectrex stuff has gone, just my baby is left .......






it's a lightpen for the vectrex console. built by brett walsh (maker of playvectrex.com). both items, the pen and the cart, are signed and numbered. the cartridge is #1, the pen is #2 since he used #1 for own testing.

the pen was built into the case of a pentel marker. it looks really great. and has a great grip.


so don't miss on this incredible item.


more pics:










please send your offers to jahfish@atombombe.de


the money can be paypaled with usa. no complicated transactions needed



if you have any questions, feel free to contact me or leave a message here.



if i get a real interesting offer, i might add this record on top. it is signed by the artist and by me (maker of the cover artwork)




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