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Stupid question I probably shouldn't be asking...

Dragnerok X

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How about this:



I'll be making some more levels soon.



Pretty good. What I meant was I wanted to know how to set up my contest, but I think I've just come up with something. Before I set up a dedicated topic, critique this.


Levels will be submitted in more or less the same way you have, with a 32x11 playfield grid.



















* X stands for a solid playfield wall, . stands for grass.


* Each player is two playfield blocks wide by one playfield block tall,

so shape doors accordingly. Windows (for sniping) can be formed by

removing one horizontal playfield block from a wall.


* Players have 16 individual spawning positions (direction they are facing)

1 being straight right, counting clockwise to 16 being just facing above right.


* Players positions and directions are specified on the grid by placing the number

representing the direction they are facing (01 to 16) on the grid in a two-pixel wide

fashion. You can then specify tank color by highlighting the number while posting your

submission and assign it a color by selecting the number and clicking on the "text color"

menu, selecting red or blue respectively.


*be careful as to not design levels where players could re-spawn between walls.


That said, what do you think? :)


BTW, what does the game select button do?


It changes the level, I just, for now, have placed copies of level 1 in there until I get

levels to fill it up with.

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Here are the latest binary and source files.






Now that this is pretty much as far as I can get before adding any more levels, like I said before, I propose a level design contest is in order, probably somewhat like Gosub's. Suggestions?

I don't know how much you might have changed the code since you posted it here, but I managed to squeeze the player graphics down by using REFPx and pointing both players at the same data. You should not add any player0: or player1: statements to the modified code, or it will break it, since the modification relies on the player heights and player hi pointers having certain fixed values. You might want to save this modified version to your computer as Combat_DX_a or something, so it doesn't wipe out any of the newer things you might have done.





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Here are the latest binary and source files.






Now that this is pretty much as far as I can get before adding any more levels, like I said before, I propose a level design contest is in order, probably somewhat like Gosub's. Suggestions?

I don't know how much you might have changed the code since you posted it here, but I managed to squeeze the player graphics down by using REFPx and pointing both players at the same data. You should not add any player0: or player1: statements to the modified code, or it will break it, since the modification relies on the player heights and player hi pointers having certain fixed values. You might want to save this modified version to your computer as Combat_DX_a or something, so it doesn't wipe out any of the newer things you might have done.




Good idea. I pretty much have left the sprites in-tact and have only changed the playfield and background/playfield colors, so this should be fairly adaptable. I'll try to squeeze this in later tonight.

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  • 2 months later...

Just an update to this rediculously outdated topic: The level design contest is nearly over, however, there is still room for additional levels (6, if I remember correctly). You can get to the topic by clicking on this link.


So, to get ready for post-level design contest, I have a question I would like to ask. After levels, I'm moving on to sounds, so does anyone here have any experiance with sounds in bB; particularily "importing" them from existing games? I'm just wondering, because I plan on (somehow) "importing" Combat's sound-track into my game.

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I just made a quick change and converted the playfield to a higher resolution using the superchip option on bB. I was just curious what it would look like, hope you don't mind. I didn't make any other code changes to account for the playfield differences, so it may not work perfeclty. Looks kind of cool though, huh? :)




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I tried out the latest version of CombatDX and i like it!

You've already come pretty far with this project, would be great if you can implement an AI for a 1 player mode!


If you wanna find some good sounds for your game this little tool here might come in handy.


Thank you. :)


I'll try that out and see if I can get something from it. By the way, I would also like to better show you (and everyone else) what i have planned for the AI. Here's how it will work.


Difficulty switch 1: Red Tank AI On/Off --------------------------Difficulty switch 2: Blue Tank AI On/Off


What I especially like about this setup is the flexibity of it. You could play against the AI as a red tank OR as a blue tank. You could also set both switches to "on" and watch the two duke it out or play with a friend. I think it's pretty revolutionary myself.

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I just made a quick change and converted the playfield to a higher resolution using the superchip option on bB. I was just curious what it would look like, hope you don't mind. I didn't make any other code changes to account for the playfield differences, so it may not work perfeclty. Looks kind of cool though, huh? :)


I like it! :D


Though space constraints probably wouldn't make this design realistic there is one feature you pointed out in this which I might be able to add in. Where did you get the custom score counter? I would gladly add that into the game if some code could be provided.

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I just made a quick change and converted the playfield to a higher resolution using the superchip option on bB. I was just curious what it would look like, hope you don't mind. I didn't make any other code changes to account for the playfield differences, so it may not work perfeclty. Looks kind of cool though, huh? :)


I like it! :D


Though space constraints probably wouldn't make this design realistic there is one feature you pointed out in this which I might be able to add in. Where did you get the custom score counter? I would gladly add that into the game if some code could be provided.


Yeah, it would use a lot more space, but you could just move the playfield graphics to a different bank. I changed the playfield in every level in your code, and there was still 486 bytes free in bank 1 when I compiled it. Regarding the score, I just modified the score_graphics.asm file in the includes directory. I've attached mine for you, feel free to use it if you like. I changed the score graphics for my Turbo game, I just never changed it back. Any game I compile on my computer will get the modfied score graphics included automatically until I change it back. ;)




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Yeah, it would use a lot more space, but you could just move the playfield graphics to a different bank. I changed the playfield in every level in your code, and there was still 486 bytes free in bank 1 when I compiled it. Regarding the score, I just modified the score_graphics.asm file in the includes directory. I've attached mine for you, feel free to use it if you like. I changed the score graphics for my Turbo game, I just never changed it back. Any game I compile on my computer will get the modfied score graphics included automatically until I change it back. ;)




Thank you for the file, it looks great!





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Difficulty switch 1: Red Tank AI On/Off --------------------------Difficulty switch 2: Blue Tank AI On/Off


What I especially like about this setup is the flexibity of it. You could play against the AI as a red tank OR as a blue tank. You could also set both switches to "on" and watch the two duke it out or play with a friend. I think it's pretty revolutionary myself.


That's a good idea! I'm looking forward to see this implemented into the game. :)

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That's a good idea! I'm looking forward to see this implemented into the game. :)


Believe it or not, for the most part, it already is! :)


Going back as far as about 3 demos ago, I set aside the difficulty switches to get ready for the AI, as one would notice that when a difficulty switch is set to "A", a corresponding tank couldn't move. This is due to the tank being in "AI mode" in that it stops reading from the controllers and turns to the cartridge itself, basically waiting for movement directions controlled by a "virtual joystick", which is, in short, joystick "latches" in the game being triggered by an AI in place of a hardware joystick. The beauty of this design is that it can't "bug out", like some AI's and do crazy things the player can't do, because it's basically controlling the same interface, just by a computer. The bad news, irronically, is that it CAN'T do things the player can't do, like have a special "boss missile" or other special weapon set aside for an AI, it couldn't (well, easily at least) use that, because it can only access controls set aside for all players. This isn't too much of a disadvantage though, because most of what information the AI needs has little to do with joysticks, more specifically player locations, which are readilly accessable with existing variables/routines. Back to implementation of all of this, my latest source code gives instructions (though somewhat vague) on where to place all this and how to get an AI up and and running. So really, all I need is a good AI to "plug in" to the spot for which it will exist.


Sorry, hope I didn't confuse anyone. I'm still trying to get enough this down myself. :)


Oh, almost forgot, I seem to be having some difficulty with sounds. Could anyone make sense of this?



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Here's a much better sound demo using only one player (the red tank). This fixes most of the problems I last posted, and so I'll probably have to somehow "incorperate" the two tanks into a sound channel. I also used the stella debugger to get a bit of information on Combat's original sounds (both players, 2 channel), but any comments on what I have now would most certainly be helpful. Thanks in advance.



My Attempt at a few New "movement" Sounds for Combat DX:







My Conversion of the original "movement" sounds to Combat DX:






Sidenote: Each of these includes an attempt at a "reverse" sound, which is one pitch lower. Comments on that would also be nice.

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Combat DX: Demo 6 - Battlegrounds


*Added 35 unique user-created levels


*Added 2 new "themes" to the game

(color schemes) "Desert" and "Arctic"


*Added a rediculously functional collision

detection system (for the playfield)


*Set the score up to handle playfield and

theme selection using Atarius Maximus'

score graphics template.


*Quite a bit of code clean up with an

added Variable Key and plenty of new



*Much greater depth than the last demo


Demo 6 is here!(finally) :D I've taken out the sounds from

my newest builds, due to the fact that I haven't chosen a

sound scheme yet, let alone set it up. However, next up

is just that (sounds). After that, like I said earlier, I'll begin

to dive into the world of artificial intelligence, but let's not

get ahead of ourselves. Comments?





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Combat DX: Demo 6 - Battlegrounds


*Added 35 unique user-created levels


*Added 2 new "themes" to the game

(color schemes) "Desert" and "Arctic"


*Added a rediculously functional collision

detection system (for the playfield)


*Set the score up to handle playfield and

theme selection using Atarius Maximus'

score graphics template.


*Quite a bit of code clean up with an

added Variable Key and plenty of new



*Much greater depth than the last demo


Demo 6 is here!(finally) :D I've taken out the sounds from

my newest builds, due to the fact that I haven't chosen a

sound scheme yet, let alone set it up. However, next up

is just that (sounds). After that, like I said earlier, I'll begin

to dive into the world of artificial intelligence, but let's not

get ahead of ourselves. Comments?






Very, very nice work. I'll have to spend a little more time playing it to give you any more useful suggestions (I snuck in about 5 minutes of playing time earlier tonight), but it might be cool to add a "turbo tank" mode where the tanks move very quickly, or a rapid fire option. That could make for some interesting battles.


I hope you can figure out some AI, that would really make this a really cool 1 player game. I'd also love to look at the code once you complete that, I don't have any idea how I'd even start on a project like that! :)



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I've finally came to a (somewhat unsupported) conclusion. I'm going to use the original game's sound effects. I've combined the sounds used in my earlier releases with my latest build and have the file(s) shown below. The problem is, i'm somewhat confused as to how both the "firing" sounds and "explosion/death" sounds are generated. I've tried the stella debugger, but both of these noises seem to use both channels of audio (I could be wrong, though) and both of these seem to cycle the volume and possibly the frequency of the tone; which I can't seem to replicate. Does anyone have any possible knowledge about this they could share?


(BTW: Today marks the first year for me on the Atariage Forums :))





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I haven't had much time to program or playtest anything this week, but tonight I'll be playing Atari with my nephew, and we'll give your game a pretty good workout! :)




Thanks, I really appreciate that. Tell me how it goes, tomorrow. :)

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