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Stupid question I probably shouldn't be asking...

Dragnerok X

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The original disassembly of Combat is available and you should be able to look at the stores to the sound registers and figure out the original sounds fairly easily.


Here are my rather lightweight comments.


- I like your new idle and movement sounds over the originals. Sounds more like a diesel idling?


- The explosion effect while cool doesn't work for me because it is always a sideview explosion, while the game is topview. The spawn effect is nice (it's topview) but I would have prefered the new tank come up from an underground storage or drive in from off screen.


- This is a cool idea for a game and I think the AI would be ideal for a competition.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been near a month already, and I've been so pre-occupied with everything (everything = setting up a few g3 macs for network gaming) that I've hardly had any time to work on this, and for the life me, I wish I had some. Well at least I have some kind of an update. Basically, this is a revamp of the sound system for the game with both tanks "sharing" the two channels. I've also added firing sounds in; but this system is quite far from complete, and with just a few minutes of play, it's flaws are quite obvious. Oh well, it's an update none-the-less. Tell me what you think.





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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm sorry if I haven't posted in a while. This project isn't necessarily "dead", I've just been very busy lately. However, in the assumption that I cannot keep a steady schedule, and with this project's progress near a halt; I would like to open the opportunity up for someone to finish this. If interested, pm me, and I will set you up as soon as I can.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm sorry if I haven't posted in a while. This project isn't necessarily "dead", I've just been very busy lately. However, in the assumption that I cannot keep a steady schedule, and with this project's progress near a halt; I would like to open the opportunity up for someone to finish this. If interested, pm me, and I will set you up as soon as I can.




The offer still stands if there is any interest... :ponder:

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The offer still stands if there is any interest... :ponder:

I'm kind of swamped myself, but I think this game should get finished and eventually released. If no one else is going to take it over, I might be able to-- but it would probably be very slow going, and I would want to correspond with you to make sure it stays true to your vision of it.



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The offer still stands if there is any interest... :ponder:

I'm kind of swamped myself, but I think this game should get finished and eventually released. If no one else is going to take it over, I might be able to-- but it would probably be very slow going, and I would want to correspond with you to make sure it stays true to your vision of it.




That's fine, just as long as this gets finished. Like you, I've just been extremely busy lately and am worried as to the fact that I would never get to this (i.e. it becomes vaporware); so I'd be glad to co-ordinate with you, and keep in touch as it progresses. You’re probably relatively familiar with this anyways, and if not, the code is commented.

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Is the code you posted on July 24 still the latest/greatest code?




Yes... and no. I've been dabbing a bit into AI since July 24th, but haven't gotten too far with it. I could post the code, if that would be any help, but no sound/audio updates to speak of.

Well, even if you didn't get far with it, I think I'd like to start from the latest code. But there's no rush on my part, because it's probably going to be at least a week or longer before I could even think about looking at it. So if you want to go through it and add a few comments here and there, or anything like that, then feel free, and by all means take your time.



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Well, even if you didn't get far with it, I think I'd like to start from the latest code. But there's no rush on my part, because it's probably going to be at least a week or longer before I could even think about looking at it. So if you want to go through it and add a few comments here and there, or anything like that, then feel free, and by all means take your time.




O.K. I'll see what I can do. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here you are. :)








* Changed all of my number labels to more descriptive

text labels, while at the same time getting everything

to work.


* Added a "Label Translation Guide" to help you better

understand the abbreviations I used in my labels.


* Added Bank Summaries to help you better understand

where things are and the purpose of specific banks.


* Added Sound comments in the form of a "sound code

slot". Updated my AI code slot to account for the AI

example I've added. This should give you an idea as to

how to handle AI and sound.


* Misc. outdated information and typos corrected.



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