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What's the latest Atari related thing(s) you've bought on ebay?

Ross PK

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According to Kantronics website, under legacy products, the Interface II is a receive only device.

In a sense yes, but you can connect one of the pins from joystick port 1 to the PTT inputs (CW ID/RTTY) that controls the PTT on a transmitter. The Audio Out of the Atari goes to the AFSK input on the Interface which sends the RTTY tones out over the radio :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


HamText - My Kantronics carts are now complete :)



I saw these and thought these aren't real, that they are copies. Why, because they don't look like other Kantronics carts I've seen and another reason is that Linda1170 (Felix P) doesn't sell anything for $100, especially when it's one of the rarest carts around. It's a strong 8-9 rarity and he's asking $800 for Target and $225 for Kararteka which is a not so rare XE cart.

But I could be wrong, but my gut says these are copies (he had multiple). Does anyone else have original Ham carts?



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I saw these and thought these aren't real, that they are copies. Why, because they don't look like other Kantronics carts I've seen and another reason is that Linda1170 (Felix P) doesn't sell anything for $100, especially when it's one of the rarest carts around. It's a strong 8-9 rarity and he's asking $800 for Target and $225 for Kararteka which is a not so rare XE cart.

But I could be wrong, but my gut says these are copies (he had multiple). Does anyone else have original Ham carts?



My C64 Hamtext carts have a vinyl type label, but the C64 Hamsoft / Amtor carts have a paper label too...

The guy that had them before Linda/Felix, got the Atari gear from Kantronics that included an 800 and 2 Trak AT-D2's along with 5 Hamsoft / Amtor carts and 3 Hamtext carts. I believe that the Atari Hamtext cart I dumped in 1985 had a paper label too...

I'll have to dig out my TRS-80 Hamsoft / Amtor cart to see what it has, but it, like the Hamsoft carts may not have a case.


Also this Hamtext version is 1.2A, where the ROM dump is version 1.1. I'll compare the dumps of each.


I'm pretty certain mine are originals ;) We'll just have to wait and see if any others turn up...

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My C64 Hamtext carts have a vinyl type label, but the C64 Hamsoft / Amtor carts have a paper label too...

The guy that had them before Linda/Felix, got the Atari gear from Kantronics that included an 800 and 2 Trak AT-D2's along with 5 Hamsoft / Amtor carts and 3 Hamtext carts. I believe that the Atari Hamtext cart I dumped in 1985 had a paper label too...

I'll have to dig out my TRS-80 Hamsoft / Amtor cart to see what it has, but it, like the Hamsoft carts may not have a case.


Also this Hamtext version is 1.2A, where the ROM dump is version 1.1. I'll compare the dumps of each.


I'm pretty certain mine are originals ;) We'll just have to wait and see if any others turn up...

Felix selling those (there are three) for $100 seems questionable at best :) He typically lists, if you follow the pattern, non-originals for considerably less. The Atari Kantronics that I've seen have a black case with white small square label.


The dumps should show the same regardless. If someone ripped the chips and made more, they'd be the same.

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Felix selling those (there are three) for $100 seems questionable at best :) He typically lists, if you follow the pattern, non-originals for considerably less. The Atari Kantronics that I've seen have a black case with white small square label.


The dumps should show the same regardless. If someone ripped the chips and made more, they'd be the same.

The Atari Kantronics carts and C64 Kantronics carts all use the "3 ribs on upper side of case" style case.

The labels on both Atari and C64 use exactly the same design, logo and font, so I'm satisfied that mine are originals ;)


Well, since the ROM dumps show differences more than the version number and no one has seen a ROM ver 1.2A before, it's another +1 for being original :-D

Doesn't matter what I paid for them, I'm satisfied...

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The Atari Kantronics carts and C64 Kantronics carts all use the "3 ribs on upper side of case" style case.

The labels on both Atari and C64 use exactly the same design, logo and font, so I'm satisfied that mine are originals ;)


Well, since the ROM dumps show differences more than the version number and no one has seen a ROM ver 1.2A before, it's another +1 for being original :-D

Doesn't matter what I paid for them, I'm satisfied...

On HamText, I may have spoken too soon, Defender II bought one back in 2011:




watch out for copies though, since it appears Kantronics put stickers on them identifying them from Katronics. If a person had the original cart it wouldn't be hard to make more reusing cases (many games have this case). It would be interesting to see what is inside the Linda1170 was selling.

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So... an untested atari STF (I wasn't even planning on getting this one, I did a bid, got outbid, got it...) I'll see what to do of it. Maybe fit the HxC in it. Dunno.



Ok, so I think I used all my luck for 2K14 in this ONE delivery.

It was sold as defective (so, very low price), but...


It's not because it's sold as defective that you can send it in a Smoby toy box with only 4 poor sheet of newspaper on each side !


But luckily, it arrived in one piece, on the contrary of the swiss STE of 2 years ago that arrived smashed into pieces.

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On HamText, I may have spoken too soon, Defender II bought one back in 2011:




watch out for copies though, since it appears Kantronics put stickers on them identifying them from Katronics. If a person had the original cart it wouldn't be hard to make more reusing cases (many games have this case). It would be interesting to see what is inside the Linda1170 was selling.

Yep, when Kantronics combined the cartridge with "The Interface" or "The Interface II", they had matching serial numbers on the cart and TU.

I'm not about to open them up as it could destroy the label, but they do have Green PCB's for what it's worth...

The one currently listed: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1812897697721?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=181289769772&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] is the last one Linda has...

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attachicon.gifTrack Attack!.JPG

Track Attack!


attachicon.gifTrak AT-D2.JPG

Trak AT-D2

Nice! Every once in a while, I get the crazy idea that I'd like to have one of each of the disk drives available for the 8-bit. Atari-brand is easy, and Indus ain't so difficult. But finding a nice Trak, Rana, Astra, and Percom is not an easy task in the 2nd decade of the 21st century. This probably makes it impractical. But you're on your way! Have you any other 3rd-party drives, already?

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Nice! Every once in a while, I get the crazy idea that I'd like to have one of each of the disk drives available for the 8-bit. Atari-brand is easy, and Indus ain't so difficult. But finding a nice Trak, Rana, Astra, and Percom is not an easy task in the 2nd decade of the 21st century. This probably makes it impractical. But you're on your way! Have you any other 3rd-party drives, already?

For other 3rd party drives, I have 2 Indus GT's (1 needs a new FDC too), 1 Rana 1000, 2 Percom AT88-S1PD's and an ATR-8000 so that I can use standard floppy drives plus the ST SF-314's...


I'd like to have at least one of each of the disk drives available for the 8-bit. Atari too, so maybe not all that crazy :)

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For other 3rd party drives, I have 2 Indus GT's (1 needs a new FDC too), 1 Rana 1000, 2 Percom AT88-S1PD's and an ATR-8000 so that I can use standard floppy drives plus the ST SF-314's...


I'd like to have at least one of each of the disk drives available for the 8-bit. Atari too, so maybe not all that crazy :)


Heh... Send me a ROM dump from the Percom, and I'll look at making an Ultraspeed version... :)


I'm still going through the Rana one, but with no one else to test I'm kinda stuck, so may as well move on!

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some freebies from my mate that works for a scrap yard. saved from landfill!

Atari 65xe

Atari 520stfm

Sega master system mk1, boxed and complete.


not had chance to test anything yet, all needs a good clean up after being dragged out of the tip. there was a 1050 that he didn't save in time:(



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Heh... Send me a ROM dump from the Percom, and I'll look at making an Ultraspeed version... :)


I'm still going through the Rana one, but with no one else to test I'm kinda stuck, so may as well move on!


I just happened to have the case off of a Percom AT88-S1PD . The rom is a 2732 and has 0073 & 1.01 printed on top. Here's the dump. PERCOM.ROM

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