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back round story


i was waiting overnight for my class signups from 730 night before till 730 that morning to get in. well i had an extra cheese burger and placed it in the station around 2am to warm it up cause it was cold and a friend and i were takign shifts. the next day around 10am rich asked me about the burger i said i forgot it there from 2am that night.so we all desided to leave it there for now to set teh world record for a spinning cheeseburger. after the first week teh place started to smell so every day since we open the case and spray it with lysol to kill the germs and air freshner to stopthe smell . (which works) so a month later i get this email:



Tonight, marks the one mounth annivercery of the WSTK spinning cheese burger.


were almost at our world record! as of 2am on this wendsday night the cheese burger will have made 2,289,780 revloutions per minit! Rich / dan



WSTK is my radio station and RICH and DAN are the managers that approved this. so whith thatit will be official world record to Guniness and i myself will get credit for this. since it was my burger to start with.


another idea that only atari70s would think of like that atari car but hey this one came true.

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