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Live Arcade Games


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There are games from long ago that we played because we were all on drugs and thought they were genuinely good games. There are also games which we played because the games we thought were good at the time were not available. Street Fighter II is one of the former. This week's addition to XBox Live Arcade is Fatal Fury Special, and one of the latter.


Fatal Fury Special is a decent example of why the 2D fighter is deader than any other 2D genre. The characters are all extremely generic (a problem nearly all SNK fighters share). There are stupid gameplay mechanics like the dual plane battle arena. The single player experience is devoid of any kind of entertainment value. Then there are the insane joystick/button combos which must be entered to perform moves. 2D fighters excluded themselves from the market by making themselves unaccessible to any but the most fanboyish devotee.


I didn't spend much time with Fatal Fury Special. I wasted 2 minutes of my life on it. So, this is definitely a snap judgement, and if that makes me a bad person, then I'm OK with that. But this game didn't deserve any more time. The graphics are not improved. There don't seem to be any appreciable extra features beyond XBox Live support. The control is total ass, and I say that because I had more luck shouting my commands at the screen than getting the controller to register them.


Oh, and it's the US version of the game with Mai's bounciness removed. Have a nice day.


I have this game for the Sega CD, and I enjoy this game on the Sega CD. Playing this new version made me want to hook up the Sega CD and play that older version. If you're a fan of Fatal Fury Special, you're sad as hell, but it also means you probably have this game for another system, and anything is better than this one. It's not even worth 400 points. Buy New Rally X instead. Hell, buy Small Arms instead.


Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and someone pissed in my Wheaties, but as far as I'm concerned right now, Live Arcade has a new ultimate stinker.

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There are games from long ago that we played because we were all on drugs and thought they were genuinely good games. There are also games which we played because the games we thought were good at the time were not available. Street Fighter II is one of the former. This week's addition to XBox Live Arcade is Fatal Fury Special, and one of the latter.


Fatal Fury Special is a decent example of why the 2D fighter is deader than any other 2D genre. The characters are all extremely generic (a problem nearly all SNK fighters share). There are stupid gameplay mechanics like the dual plane battle arena. The single player experience is devoid of any kind of entertainment value. Then there are the insane joystick/button combos which must be entered to perform moves. 2D fighters excluded themselves from the market by making themselves unaccessible to any but the most fanboyish devotee.


I didn't spend much time with Fatal Fury Special. I wasted 2 minutes of my life on it. So, this is definitely a snap judgement, and if that makes me a bad person, then I'm OK with that. But this game didn't deserve any more time. The graphics are not improved. There don't seem to be any appreciable extra features beyond XBox Live support. The control is total ass, and I say that because I had more luck shouting my commands at the screen than getting the controller to register them.


Oh, and it's the US version of the game with Mai's bounciness removed. Have a nice day.


I have this game for the Sega CD, and I enjoy this game on the Sega CD. Playing this new version made me want to hook up the Sega CD and play that older version. If you're a fan of Fatal Fury Special, you're sad as hell, but it also means you probably have this game for another system, and anything is better than this one. It's not even worth 400 points. Buy New Rally X instead. Hell, buy Small Arms instead.


Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and someone pissed in my Wheaties, but as far as I'm concerned right now, Live Arcade has a new ultimate stinker.


Should've been Real Bout Fatal Fury Special. Anybody with a Neo will tell you that game kicks ass. I don't know why these companies that put games on Xbox live put some of the worst versions up on live instead of the best. Like SFII, could have been Super SFII?? Mortal Kombat III, how about the version that had like every character available at the time, and now Fatal Fury, putting up this game instead of Real bout.

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Saw this posted on IGN....


September 11, 2007 - Microsoft announced an exciting batch of upcoming Xbox Live Arcade titles during their pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference earlier tonight. The full list of impending releases can be found below.


Ikaruga (Treasure)

Rez HD! Every Extend Extra Extreme (Q Entertainment)

Omega Drive (Hudon)

Exit (Taito)

Trigger Heart Exelica (Warashi)

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Anyone hear what's coming out this week?


Tis Geon.

The game reminds me of a head to head Crystal Castles.

I might have snagged it if it was 400 points instead of 800 points.

I dunno, I'll have to play the demo a bit more. I don't think I had the powerballs down, also might be funner online Vs.

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Puzzle Quest's price has been announced to be 1,200 points. Because of this, there's a bit of buzz that it may be the Live Arcade game for this coming Wednesday. That would be cool.


It would have been cooler if Puzzle Quest had been 800 points. Still, unless they go out of their way to fuck it up, it should be great. After all the PSP version is awesome, and thats even despite having major bugs.


I read somewhere that Talisman hits sometime near the end of October, probably to coincide with the release of the new 4th edition of the boardgame. Initially, I was majorly excited about it, but then I learned that the new version of the boardgame turns back the clock to the early 80s versions of the game. If you've never played Talisman, what that means is that the game takes forever to play, and actively discourages trying to win. 8 hour games are definitely not unheard of because the best tactic to the game was always to delay as long as possible. Maybe they'll fix that problem or greatly alter things for the downloadable console versions, but things don't look good.

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September 24, 2007 - If you're desperate to download Frogger but just don't have the dough to make it happen, Microsoft has good news - the hoppy arcade classic and two other Xbox Live Arcade titles will go on sale this week.


Frogger, Bankshot Billiards 2 and Hardwood Spades will drop in price beginning at 5 p.m. PDT Thursday and remain on sale through 4:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 2.


Frogger will drop from 400 to 300 Microsoft Points, Bankshot Billiards 2 will go from 1,200 to 900 points and Hardwood Spades will drop from 400 to 300 points.

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Frogger will drop from 400 to 300 Microsoft Points, Bankshot Billiards 2 will go from 1,200 to 900 points and Hardwood Spades will drop from 400 to 300 points.


wow. underwhelming.


I don't have spades so I guess I'll snag it....but yeah not too exciting.

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Last week, Microsoft apparrently said "screw you!" to anyone who wasn't interested in Halo 3 by not even providing anything resembling a meaningful Live Arcade release. Not that I'm bitter or anything.


This Wednesday the game will be Tetris Splash. Yet another one I'll skip, but I'm sure the Tetriholics will enjoy it.


Puzzle Quest obviously didn't hit last week, but I believe it has been announced for the 10th.


There seems to be a rash of puzzle games lately. I wonder if ointment can help?

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Last week, Microsoft apparrently said "screw you!" to anyone who wasn't interested in Halo 3 by not even providing anything resembling a meaningful Live Arcade release. Not that I'm bitter or anything.


This Wednesday the game will be Tetris Splash. Yet another one I'll skip, but I'm sure the Tetriholics will enjoy it.


Puzzle Quest obviously didn't hit last week, but I believe it has been announced for the 10th.


There seems to be a rash of puzzle games lately. I wonder if ointment can help?

Depending on how strongly you hate puzzle games, either ointment or K-Y! :twisted:

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I didn't bother downloading the Tetris demo, but it looks like poster child for the evils of downloadable content.


The basic game is 800 pts. That's ridiculously high for a game like Tetris from my perspective, YMMV. But everything else is a separate download costing 50 points and up. I imagine they're things like backgrounds, and maybe music.


I'm fine with games when they offer a meaningful experience and then offer meaningful expansions. I'm not too cool with this "buy this crippled version of the game and we'll sell you the rest for extra."

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I'm not too cool with this "buy this crippled version of the game and we'll sell you the rest for extra."


Buying those seperate bundles won't do anything as far as gameplay. It sounds more like you can customize your Tetris aquarium.

Like if you wanted to add a few guppies, or change the background. Definately not something that will add to the actual gameplay, or if you didn't have them swimming around would take away from the game play. Its just Tetris, I don't think not having guppies is gonna cripple that game, but I agree, it should be 400 points.

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