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Live Arcade Games


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I thought they were linked to your GamerTag. Can't you just do an account recovery and redownload them all for free?


Nope. They're linked to your box first and foremost.


Now, you can use your gamertag to download them onto another box, BUT if you do then to play those downloaded games you MUST do two things:

1) Be signed on with the gamertag in question.

2) Be connected to Live under that gamertag. (so Live can verify to the box that you are entitled to play that game)


If not, then they're just dead space on the hard drive.


The best way to look at Live downloads is that you're paying a rental fee. The games don't belong to you, and you have a rental term for as long as your console lasts.


No. I don't like it either.

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The best way to look at Live downloads is that you're paying a rental fee. The games don't belong to you, and you have a rental term for as long as your console lasts.


No. I don't like it either.


Not necessarily. jay2068 already stated he's having issues because he somehow doesn't have his old console info. I'm guessing the old console was stolen or destroyed in a fire and he didn't take the 57 seconds to register his console. In any case, it sounds like if he had this information regardless how long his original console had lasted...he could keep the content he purchased.


Lesson to all, take the 57 seconds...it'll be worth it if only because you wont have to be on Gabriels rental program.

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The best way to look at Live downloads is that you're paying a rental fee. The games don't belong to you, and you have a rental term for as long as your console lasts.


No. I don't like it either.


Not necessarily. jay2068 already stated he's having issues because he somehow doesn't have his old console info. I'm guessing the old console was stolen or destroyed in a fire and he didn't take the 57 seconds to register his console. In any case, it sounds like if he had this information regardless how long his original console had lasted...he could keep the content he purchased.


Lesson to all, take the 57 seconds...it'll be worth it if only because you wont have to be on Gabriels rental program.



You are correct. I didn't have any of the information from my old Xbox 360 and they would not refund/transfer the games to my new XBOX 360. I have to be online to play the games on my new console. If it was a store return or sent to them for repair then they will refund you the point to purchase them again.


What I don't get is if they can tell what console it's tied to can't they just tie it to antoher console? After all I'm still signing in with my gamertag on the new console. I would never sign in on the old console anymore.


What if I had a house fire? What if my house got robbed? Even if I registered the console I would not have any way to prove that the cosole is no longer being used.



After a very fustrating phone call the supervisor said I should have read my user agreement. What a freaking joke. How many people actually read those? I told them they lost a customer today, then yelled some expletives and hung-up :x



I'll be jumping ship to PS3 next year. And I won't purchase anymore live content that's for sure. And any new games I buy will not be from microsoft studios. (They already got my money for Halo 3 I preordered a month ago)

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What if I had a house fire? What if my house got robbed? Even if I registered the console I would not have any way to prove that the cosole is no longer being used.


Why would you need to prove it's no longer used? If you knew it wasn't going to be used, just ask that it be transfered.

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What if I had a house fire? What if my house got robbed? Even if I registered the console I would not have any way to prove that the cosole is no longer being used.


Why would you need to prove it's no longer used? If you knew it wasn't going to be used, just ask that it be transfered.


The only way it can get transfered is if it is sent in for repair and they send you a new console or you prove it was return at the place of purchase. They gave me no other options.

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What's the hassle though? Sign online and play, you got to be connected online to download them anyways, might as well keep it online constantly.


So basically I have to purchase XBOX Live yearly subscription just to play the games I already paid for. The model just sucks i understand the anit-piracy issues why they tie the console to the gamertag what I don't understand is why would it matter what console it is on as long as it's only on one console? I would think there should be a better way to do this. With Windows XP activation if you change your motherboard and re-install windows you have to reacivate it to use it. Why wouldn't this be the same thing?



edit: You might be able to still play the games with a silver account which is free not sure thou. Still urks me!

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Its quite simple, you could just log on with your gamer account on a friend's Xbox and give them some free games. Microsoft's policy actually makes sense, unlike Nintendo's. MS is also willing to transfer the games over if they have proof of ownership of the original Xbox 360 the games were purchased from.


As for the reactivation thing, how would that ever guarantee that the games are only on one Xbox? It wouldn't, especially because you guys want the games playable on Xbox 360's offline that weren't the console used to purchase the games originally.

Edited by Atariboy
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I bought a XBox 360 for Christmas, so I haven't used it yet. Can I or one of my kids bring the hard drive to someone else's house and play the games we paid for on the friends XBox 360 as long as the machine is connected to XBL? And then when it comes back home we can play those games offline on our machine with no problems?

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Its quite simple, you could just log on with your gamer account on a friend's Xbox and give them some free games. Microsoft's policy actually makes sense, unlike Nintendo's. MS is also willing to transfer the games over if they have proof of ownership of the original Xbox 360 the games were purchased from.


As for the reactivation thing, how would that ever guarantee that the games are only on one Xbox? It wouldn't, especially because you guys want the games playable on Xbox 360's offline that weren't the console used to purchase the games originally.



My point is that I'm not trying to pirate the games. I'm honestly telling them my situation and they refuse to help me out. If it also follows the gamer tag then my gamertag could A) be changed and got all new games or B) they know my orginal console information can't they just ban the first xbox and aprove my new console, and thus only work with my gamertag.



I bought a XBox 360 for Christmas, so I haven't used it yet. Can I or one of my kids bring the hard drive to someone else's house and play the games we paid for on the friends XBox 360 as long as the machine is connected to XBL? And then when it comes back home we can play those games offline on our machine with no problems?



Yes you can. As long as you are connected to the internet and signed into your XBL account.

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Getting back to the topic ... perhaps I didn't give it much of a chance, but I think Novadrome is a bit crappy, per the original post. Like a Dreamcast or 1999 shareware version of Twisted Metal. Anyone play it more and feel differently?


Nope. I agree with you. I played it (the trial) about 5 times and then gave up on it as I was never going to have any fun with it.


Unlike Small Arms and Roboblitz (which are both just utterly horrible and without any fun value), I felt it had some merit, it just wasn't a Live game for me. So, it joined Marble Blast Ultra on the list of games which I might recommend to others, but I'll stay far away from.


I felt the cars were too small. Limited ammo for your basic weapon is always a sin in a shooty game. Control wasn't good, but it wasn't bad. It was a bit hard to ram your opponents considering the size of the cars and relative speeds involved. I also found that the game was quite unforgiving with regards to powerups, you have to drive right over the center of them or you miss them. I liked the actual look of the game, though. I like worlds of neon, although it was a bit hard on the eyes after a few games.


I've been delaying paying for Assault Heroes. I'm not really sure if I like the slow pace. Does the second level pick up considerably?


Plus, Star Trek: Legacy has been ruling my evenings after work for the past few days.

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And... Rally X.


Excuse me. NEW Rally X.


No graphical updates whatsoever.




Ya know, the thing is a $5 download. At least toss me the bone of some updated graphics, ESPECIALLY on a game this plain. To tell the truth, Namco should have made the download New Rally X Arrangement (from the PSP collection). That's a much better game and perfect for XBox Live arcade (and good for $10 too). As it is, this is certainly the example of a bad classic for Live Arcade.


Win some, lose some.


You know what would be a perfect game for Live Arcade? Space War. Space War with Geometry Wars style graphics and, of course, 4 player Live multiplayer. I call the ship that looks like the Enterprise.

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You know what would be a perfect game for Live Arcade? Space War. Space War with Geometry Wars style graphics and, of course, 4 player Live multiplayer. I call the ship that looks like the Enterprise.



Well I believe you could develop that game and submit it to Microsoft for approval, now, so why don't you get started on it? :ponder: I mean if anyone has issues with what's available on the Arcade then make something better and offer it up.

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You know what would be a perfect game for Live Arcade? Space War. Space War with Geometry Wars style graphics and, of course, 4 player Live multiplayer. I call the ship that looks like the Enterprise.



Well I believe you could develop that game and submit it to Microsoft for approval, now, so why don't you get started on it? :ponder: I mean if anyone has issues with what's available on the Arcade then make something better and offer it up.

Not a bad point. I'd love a game like NetTrek (the Mac action game) on there -- would fit the bill for what you seek, Gabriel.


Send this guy a message and I'm sure he'll get right on it (he's asking us to!). http://www.fatlion.com/randy/nettrek.html



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Not a bad point. I'd love a game like NetTrek (the Mac action game) on there -- would fit the bill for what you seek, Gabriel.


Send this guy a message and I'm sure he'll get right on it (he's asking us to!). http://www.fatlion.com/randy/nettrek.html


Looks cool. Just about anything like Space War or Star Control would be a good thing for Live Arcade. It's almost odd we haven't seen something like that yet.


So, what did you think of New Rally X? Whereas I think Namco has done a good job with their evergreen classics discs on previous consoles, and have improved those compilations through "Arrangements" and higher game counts, their Live Arcade efforts have been extremely half-hearted.


I love the classics, but I think it's fair to say that some can go by untouched while others need a little bit of redressing. For instance, Pac-Man and Galaga are classics which really shine even in their original form in HD. Rally X is just not a game that benefits in the slightest, nor is it really a recognizable classic. It really needed some extras and it got none.

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An updated Star Control style game would rock the house. Whatever happened to Armada 2? I think I signed up for a beta of the PC version a long time ago, but nothing ever happened as far as I know. I suspect something like this is on someone's to-do list, somewhere. We'll have Asteroids/Asteroids Deluxe real soon now, which will help.


Regarding Rally X, I admit I haven't tried it yet. I haven't even turned on my 360 since I heard about the new PSP hacks. I have never been a big fan of Rally X, and despite my near-unquestioning purchase of most retro stuff on XBLA, I'll probably pass on this one.


<\goes to play the Arranged mode on PSP>

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Looks cool. Just about anything like Space War or Star Control would be a good thing for Live Arcade. It's almost odd we haven't seen something like that yet.


I have, along with others, been bombarding the Star Control creators with requests for an XBLA title. As long as it has Live-enabled "Melee Mode" ship vs. ship combat, I'll be ecstatic. If they can throw in a simple conquest mode as well, I'll wet myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a bump to comment that Heavy Weapon is pretty cool. It's a neat blend of Gradius, Galaga, and Air Sea Battle. It strikes me as feeling original, even though I have a suspicion I've seen the same gameplay elsewhere.


The bad is that the early levels are boring. The backgrounds are fairly bland. The graphics are crisp, but devoid of any particularly cool modern effects (the game could almost certainly be done somewhat comparably on one of the 16 bit systems). The levels feel overlong and repetitive. None of the negatives overwhelm the game initially, but the coming weeks will be the test.


On the good side, the trial version is really meaty. It made it easy for me to decide to plunk down the $10. Since I was wanting a sidescrolling blaster, this game more or less scratches the itch.


Last week's Ms. Pac-Man was OK. I finally downloaded it the other day because I know I'll get a lot out of it, and I've become accustomed to the ease of Live Arcade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No discussion about this whatsoever?




I'd think there'd at least be some raving about Castlevania.


Band of Bugs sounds interesting to me.


I saw this earlier in the morn, Go to IGN and you can check out pics of all the games.

Some good stuff coming:



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No discussion about this whatsoever?




I'd think there'd at least be some raving about Castlevania.


Band of Bugs sounds interesting to me.



I am raving inside for Castlevania. The first time I played that game I was home sick for a week with an Ab resistant strep throat. Don't want to relive the strep but can't wait for the game.


And Root Beer Tapper, I have fond memories of playing that game as well........ they involve Starscream and I will say no more :ponder: :)

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I'll give a thumbs up for Heavy Weapon as well. It's certainly impressive in later levels with 4 players, impressive in how many on screen sprites the game has with absolutely no slowdown or any glitching at all. It's not that technically advanced, especially graphically, but you gotta admit the Nuke looks awesome.

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Just a bump to comment that Heavy Weapon is pretty cool. It's a neat blend of Gradius, Galaga, and Air Sea Battle. It strikes me as feeling original, even though I have a suspicion I've seen the same gameplay elsewhere.


Yeah, you have.


I wanted to like Heavy Weapon, I really did. However, it seemed a little too easy for my taste, and I'm not what you'd call a champion-class gamer. What's the point of choking the screen with bombs when the player can destroy them all with a sweep of his cannon?


The game could really use some craters, a'la Moon Patrol. Craftier enemies would have helped, too... in Moon Patrol, they'd dance around the screen, making them damn near impossible to target, but here, the military planes just fly in a straight path.


There's potential here for sure... the graphics are great, and I love the humor and the subtle tributes to classic video games (glad to know I wasn't the only one who was impressed by the super cannon in Data East's Heavy Barrel!). Nevertheless, the designers are going to have to crank up the challenge to really make the concept work.



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