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I'll admit I didn't like AH either. Way too difficult for my tastes.

Small Arms I disagree with you on, I think it's fast paced and can be a lot of fun, but we're on the same wavelength with Alien Hominid. I tried it once a thought it looked pretty keen but was too hard, I had been drinking a feww beers that day so I thought maybe that was the issue. Last week I loaded up again and decided to give it another go but it was just as hard and I sucked just as bad completely sober.


Lego Star Wars on the 360 kicks all kind of ass. I had so much fun with that game it's definately a must play.

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You need to remember that AH started life as a flash game. The graphics weren't improved because that's how the original looked. I already have it for the PS2, so I haven't tried it on XBLA. But it sure can be a pain in the ass. :x As a matter of fact, I've still not beaten it. :sad:

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Gabriel should enjoy this news....


Microsoft announced this morning that two more games would be making their ways to the Xbox Live Arcade on the Xbox 360. Both games will be made available for download on Wednesday, April 18 at 2 a.m. Pacific Time.


Fans of classic-shooting action should be pleased to hear that Konami is bringing its coin-op tube-shooter Gyruss to XBLA. In Gyruss, gamers are charged with flying a space cruiser from Neptune to Earth, all while battling enemy ships, satellites, laser-beam generators, and asteroids. The game has been enhanced for XBLA with the inclusion of voice support, new 3D graphics, digitally enhanced sound, and leaderboards. The original arcade version of the game is also included. Players tired of lonely nights spent hunched over their console by themselves will be able to take advantage of the game's multiplayer split-screen cooperative and versus modes. Gyruss will provide players the opportunity to earn up to 12 Achievements for a total of 200 Gamerscore points. Gyruss will be available worldwide for 400 Microsoft Points.


Those of you out there who like your XBLA games original can rest easy this week. Not only will Microsoft be bringing the classic arcade-stylings of Gyruss to XBLA, but the company will also release the Sierra Online-developed 3D Ultra MiniGolf Adventures. 3D Ultra MiniGolf Adventures includes 36 challenging holes, over-the-top power-ups, and three major theme courses: Classic Carnival, Old West, and Outer Space. The game will allow for up to four players to compete over Xbox Live, and will offer 12 Achievements for 200 Gamerscore points. 3D Ultra MiniGolf Adventures will run you 800 Microsoft Points.

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Wonder why so many of Tapper's achievements are online, for someone that waited a while to buy it, there doesn't seem to be a way to get them anymore since no one is ever online playing :(


We need to start a thread here at AA for online buddy requests. For instance. This week-end I would like to play Co-op Crackdown. Using the forums would be a great way to set a time and game ahead of time. I will play Tapper with you anytime I have free.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before I headed off to work this morning, I downloaded the trial versions of Centipede/Millipede, Pinball, and Catan. I was able to play a quick game of Centipede/Millipede and Pinball.


Centipede and Millipede feel about like the home versions of old. The games are much easier than the arcade. The redone graphics also have a very subdued Tempest 2000 feel to them, full of neon. There isn't much else to say about the pack. The trial is very short, only two waves. It seems like it would be decent to get both for 400 points. Those expecting arcade perfection can keep on playing their arcade cabinets, though. And those who insist on a trak ball might as well stick with the 2600, 5200, or 7800 versions.


I'm not a pinball fan, but I'll sometimes play a machine for novelty value when I see one. On the Pinball game, I played a highway/car themed board. I'm not an authority on pinball, but the board seemed very easy to me. Otherwise, it was pinball. I can't really say much about it one way or the other.


I didn't get to try Catan yet.

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Is there a way to get Gyruss to play in classic mode? I don't like the new mode.. I tried the konami code, and well, it does something else. :lol:


I don't really care for these live arcade's only allowing the 1 level (in classic mode). At least Namco figured it out, give the user about 3 or so levels.


The new centipede and millipede seem off and the "no throttle" mode is just dumb.





nvrmind I figured out how to get classic graphics. Just not classic music.

Edited by Shannon
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I got interested in the pinball game last night, so here are some initial impressions from someone who doesn't normally play pinball, video or otherwise.


The trial version gives a good idea of the first board, which is car/race themed. It's my personal favorite table of the game. There's a tiny upper level with two targets and a few ramps. There's a large enough open field at the lower bottom to give me some room to do things. The art is attractive and the sounds are good.


The one irritating thing about the table is that it tends to throw the ball straight down the center as soon as you start. All the tables tend to do this, but this one is the worst about it.


Going up the spinner ramp twice activates the race hole. Knocking the ball in the race hole allows you to select one of several major point value "races" to conduct. These races involve knocking the ball up the ramps a certain number of times. This seems to be the major element of the game.


This is the easiest board. You can get frequent "airbags" (how, I haven't figured out yet) which prevent you from losing a ball if it should go down the drain. Almost all the targets are easy to nail.


The second board is called Xtreme, which from my POV stands for Xtremely sucky. The theme of the board is skateboarding and street basketball, but art is sparse and the table is bland. This is my least favorite board. It has a spacious upper board with extremely limited play, and a tiny lower board with several slots which tend to throw the ball straight back at you and down the center. If you activate the missions of the board, you get to choose between 2 different random options.


I dislike this board for several reasons. The upper board is a waste of space. It takes up a large amount of real estate merely for some bumpers, a flipper, and a couple of targets. (The car/race table does the same thing, but without sacrificing as much lower table space and with the much more entertaining ramps) The lower board feels cramped. And the theme of the table is just something I dislike. But, the Xtreme board seems the most difficult if you like a challenge.


The last board is called Agent, and is spy themed. it's mostly a full board open table with a couple of ramps and several targets. The missions I've seen focus on target shooting with the ball (as opposed to ramp shooting). The art and sound effects are nice, but feels sparse, just not anywhere near as bad as Xtreme.


I think the Agent table is the most conventional one of the set. It feels a lot more like the pinball games I played in the early 80s than the first two do. This is the medium difficulty table of the set. Some of the targets are pretty easy, but others seem moderate in difficulty.


All the tables feature multi-ball of the 2 and 3 ball simultaneous variety. And the game pack displays the option to download future new tables. I'm hoping for future fantasy and sci-fi themed tables. All the boards feel pretty similiar in play because of the gameplay mechanic of: 1)do something to activate the mission hole, 2) knock the ball into the mission hole, 3) select a mission, 4) do mission (often timed).


The controls on all the games feel top notch to me. The main problem is that I completely suck, but I never feel like my ineptitude is due to the controls. It's just that I'm not any kind of real pinball player. The trigger buttons handle the flippers while bumping the table is handled with the left stick. The A button shoots the ball and selects missions when they come up. These controls are also customisable, so if you'd rather have a different configuration then you can.


I found the games to have an addictive quality which I've never experienced in pinball games before. I don't know if anyone else will feel the same, but I definitely felt compelled to keep playing. Most of the time, pinball games have made me feel detached from the game, if not outright ripped off. These really made me feel more involved and as if I could improve with just one more play.


If this game were $5/400 points, it would be a total no-brainer, recommendable to all. However, it's a $10/800 point game. I think the best course of action is to just try out that trial game for about a dozen games. The other boards do play somewhat similarly, so it gives a really good idea of what you'll get for your money. I don't know if pinball wizzes will feel the same. They may feel the boards are too bland or gimmicky. I don't know.


But, for me, this was a perfect example of how good an idea free trials are. I would never have bought this game if not for the free trial. After playing the trial table for a while, I realized I really liked it and wanted to play more. The option for downloadable tables has me looking forward to the future. Once again, it is proven that offering free trials promotes sales, and the only reason to fear offering one is if the game sucks ass.

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If this game were $5/400 points, it would be a total no-brainer, recommendable to all. However, it's a $10/800 point game. I think the best course of action is to just try out that trial game for about a dozen games. The other boards do play somewhat similarly, so it gives a really good idea of what you'll get for your money. I don't know if pinball wizzes will feel the same. They may feel the boards are too bland or gimmicky. I don't know.


If some company (Midway) came out and released a game like this based of actual Pinballs from the arcades, I would be much more interested. These made up pinball fields always scream "Generic" to me. I can picture a setup where you buy an arcade with 3 different virtual rooms. A 70's room, an 80's room and a 90 to the present room. Initially you get 3 pinballs...Based on real pinball's from that time period. Later on you can buy more pinballs to populate your virtual arcade.


Some pinballs I'd like to see:


Evel Knievel

8 Ball Champ and 8 Ball Deluxe

Dungeons and Dragons


Doctor Who

Creature from the Black Lagoon

The Addams Family

Twilight Zone

Attack From Mars


If that were the case and the ball physics were good I'd buy it right away.

Still....I downloaded the demo but haven't tried it out yet.

I'll give it a go for sure and see what it's like.

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If some company (Midway) came out and released a game like this based of actual Pinballs from the arcades, I would be much more interested.


I'd be interested in that as well.


There's one pinball machine I liked during the mid or late 80s when the local 7-11 had it. It was a fantasy themed board. I don't remember anything about it other than that. I think it was a Williams? I don't remember.

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The funny thing is the table you like the least (and so do I) is actually the closest to a real table of the 3. Xtreme is a total Black Knight 2000 clone. Not that Black Knight 2000 was any good either... :ponder:


I actually like this game a lot though myself. All 3 tables are enjoyable, though Xtreme is the weakest of the 3.

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Woot! Double Dragon tomorrow! It looks like in the future I'll just have to constantly bitch about the lateness of Space Giraffe, Band of Bugs, and/or Talisman.


Although, after seeing Catan, I'm worried that Talisman won't have local multiplayer, which will render the game useless. :(

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I've been playing a lot of Street Fighter HF lately. Fun, but there's a couple of things I wanna say about it. Ahem, first up...






Jesus, it seems that EVERY time I play a ranked match, it's against Ryu 80% of the time, Ken 15% of the time, and Bison the other percent of the time. Good lord does it get OLD fighting against cheap ass Ryu all the friggin' time. I've played against guys who'll just chain weak Dragon Punches over and over and over. Oh, wow, you can do a Dragon Punch motion. You can pull off a move that has precedence over every other move in the game! (and I'd love to strangle whoever thought THAT was a good idea). You have 1337 SkIlLzZ! Woot! Bah, it's SO damned annoying! I'm a Blanka/Vega/Guile/Balrog player myself (in order of preference). And don't get me started on the Bison players, though it is totally fun to own one of those now and again. Hehe.


Next, the emulation of the game seems off from what I remember. I played a HELL of a lot of SF2 back in the day, and wore out 2 SNES controllers when I got it for that system. Hell, at one point, I was considering signing up for the world SF2 championship tournament. I don't remember certain things being possible, like Chun Li being able to throw Blanka THROUGH his damned electrical shock, or being able to throw someone the instant they land, even though they had executed a move that should have hit the opponent. Oh, well. It's still a fun play. If anybody here plays ranked matches, my tag is dwarfmax. Don't bother saying anything through the headset, though, as I keep the volume turned down so I don't have to listen to trash talkers.

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Oh, and I'm quickly learning that the ranking system that matches up players for ranked games on SF2 HF is bullshit. One minute, I'm playing a guy with like 4000 wins who mops the floor with me, the next, I'm playing some poor guy with like 2 wins and I tear him a new one. What the hell is up with that?

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Oh, and I'm quickly learning that the ranking system that matches up players for ranked games on SF2 HF is bullshit. One minute, I'm playing a guy with like 4000 wins who mops the floor with me, the next, I'm playing some poor guy with like 2 wins and I tear him a new one. What the hell is up with that?


Probably depends on who is in the queue to play.

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Hmmm...makes sense. Guess I don't have time to think about stuff like that when I'm getting non-stop fireballs and Dragon Punches stuffed down my throat. :)


I thought there were a LOT of players playing this game, though. Guess not.

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downloaded the demo of Double Dragon. I don't remember the game being this...what's the word...bad. Something just doesn't seem right about it and I can't put my finger on it. Much like playing as Leonardo in TMNT, something seems off. I was ready to buy it, thank god for the demo or that would have been a nice waste of 400 points.

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Hmmm...makes sense. Guess I don't have time to think about stuff like that when I'm getting non-stop fireballs and Dragon Punches stuffed down my throat. :)


I thought there were a LOT of players playing this game, though. Guess not.


I've known of other people that complained about this a short while after that game was released.

I think that kind of killed the online for many. Maybe you need to hook up with folks you know to get a good game going?

Not for certain tho as I don't own the game.

I would play you, but I suck balls at Street Fighter and always have.... didn't even bother downloading the demo.

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