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Well the Red Steel reviews were right


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Trying to control your character with the Wiimote is just WIItahded and ends up leaving you feeling frustrated and having a sore wrist to boot. He moves like a bull in a china shop and if you make the mistake of pointing your gun up off the screen you start spinning like a top. The plotline seems intriguing, I like the voiceovers and the graphics, but even sitting three feet away from my 51" HDTV (certainly not recommended viewing distance) helps only the slightest bit in fine tuning my movements and gunfire control and that's not good enough. It's not MY ancestors who are weeping, it's the ancestors of the game designers. Maybe I can somehow jury-rig a Wavebird to work in Wii mode? I'd much rather finish the game that way.

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I read they should have used the controls the Wii Far Cry used....unfortunately the control was the only good thing said about the Wii Far Cry. I suspect the Wii is going to be a system that many games just aren't going to be good on because of the funky controller or because the graphics are going to be sub-par. Far Cry is gorgeous on the 360, the review I read said it looked like a N64 game on the Wii. I hope the Wii doesn't discourage 3rd party support.

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I'm reading reviews of Far Cry: Vengence and its doing even worse than Red Steel. One reviewer says that FC makes RS look like a good game (and he hated RS)!


Sounds like UBISoft isn't doing so well on its Wii releases.


And I was looking forward to FC as I'm a fan of the series and it was going to be my first FPS game on the Wii. Guess I'll rent FC and RS rather than buy.



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I really enjoyed Red Steel (finished it yesterday), and I didn't think the controls were *that* bad. There were a couple of things they definitley need to fix in the sequel:


1) The game occasionally seemed to lose track of where you were aiming, especially if you made fast motions. This caused you to spin out of control for a few seconds. It wasn't frequent enough to really kill the game, but it was frequent enough to be annoying. These random spin outs sucked, especially if you were trying to disarm an enemy, and he started shooting you while you were spinning around in circles trying to regain control.


2) There is no Y-centering. Because I sit lower than the wii sensor bar, gravity naturally pulls my hand down as I play. So I found myself looking at the floor a lot as I walked down cooridors. This forced me to manually recenter my view in Y a lot, which doesn't happen on PC or Dual Analog FPS's.


3) The zoom sucks. The forward movement is awkward to execute. Additionally, when you zoom no an enemy, the "auto target" always seems to fight with the auto aim. So you try and zoom on someone, and the auto aim pulls your aim one way, while you're trying to manually aim for the guy's head or something, and it's tricky. Also, the sheer act of pushing the remote forward towards the screen screws up where you're trying to aim at in X/Y. So when you try to zoom into someone, you're almost guaranteed to zoom to somewhere other than where you're aming.


4) Additionally, the zoom is super sensitive. I often found myself inadvertantly zooming in way to far. This shouldn't have been a problem with the analogness of the wiimote.


5) I enjoyed the swordfighting, but it did occasionally miss input movements. I never really died because of it, but some fights took longer than they should have because it just missed my swipes. I hear you can adjust the sensitivity for this, so it may not be an issue, but I've never tried it. You had to sort of adjust to the timing the game was expecting. I also smacked myself in the face a few times with the nunchuck cable when doing the dual-downward-thrust "scorpion" move. :/


None of these were enough to ruin the game, for me, though. The design is extremely forgiving, so even though zooming is awkward and you occasionally spin out (happened maybe five times in my entire run through the game - 12 hours or so), you won't really die because of it. Red Steel definitely gets better later on, though. The first few levels are pretty ugly. But later on, the burning dojo, bamboo forrest, etc look really nice. I agree, it's not an A title, but I don't think it's that bad.

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