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Atari BASIC for the FB3?

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I think it would be a great buying incentive to be able to make your own simple games. They could just have a usb port and SD slot to take care of the keyboard and storage problems. Maybe Turbo BASIC instead of Atari Basic though. Advan BASIC would also be good I hear.

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Knowing that that FB3 might be a 800 in a 5200 case, Is there a possibility of having Atari BASIC either packaged or embeded in the system? In a way that could let you create your own games on the system, almost like a miniature development unit inside the system itself!


That would be toooootally sweet!


I would buy one just for that!


We'd need to have a hack for keyboard and disk input... that would rock!





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That would be toooootally sweet!


I would buy one just for that!


We'd need to have a hack for keyboard and disk input... that would rock!





Well, according to the (tentative) specs that Curt has posted elsewhere, the FB3 will have both: a footprint for a PS/2 keyboard port, and an SIO port header.


As for BASIC on the FB3 ... sure, why not? Because most games don't require it, BASIC probably won't be enabled by default as it was on the XL and XE machines. Perhaps the FB3 will be like the XEGS and won't load BASIC unless it detects that a keyboard is attached. But even if it isn't built into the unit at all, you could simply get a binary file version of BASIC and load it like you would any other executable.

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