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dreamcastrip last won the day on February 24 2011

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  1. For the record, I don't see how you saying JS-II is "a place seemingly built out of drama" is compatible with your seemingly sincere desire for greater peace and calm in the Jaguar community. Nah you're quite right there, I was having a slight dig at the place and I shouldn't have. Consider the comment retracted. All's good.
  2. I wish you well with your current and future coding endeavours. Perhaps if I hadn't have arrived so late at JFUK 2010 on the Saturday we might have had the time to have a chat about how your efforts in this regard are progressing. If some folk here choose to misinterpret others' posts in ways that they only hear what they want to hear then that's their prerogative. I've no intention to further point out to Sauron the continued problems he seems to have in understanding the plain use of language. So on that note I've no interest in further contributing toward leading the thread astray. As for JS-II, well Sauron's long been banned from there for past indiscretions so he at least has little option but to post here when seeking to ruffle feathers these days. For the record, I don't see how you saying JS-II is "a place seemingly built out of drama" is compatible with your seemingly sincere desire for greater peace and calm in the Jaguar community. Please don't interpret that as having a pop at you as it certainly isn't intended as such. Finishing on a positive note, apart from the odd exception here and there its been most reassuring to see no major flame wars between AA and JS-II for quite some time now. Long may it continue.
  3. dreamcastrip: Are you in San Antonio?

  4. Try coding a game yourself. It would be a lot more productive than taking subtle potshots at some of the few coders with the "requisite talent, time and/or interest". Also while your at it, try filling us in on what exactly would constitute a "worthwhile fashion". It seems that most of the more recent games that have come out just don't quite live up to your lofty standards on what would constitute a "worthwhile" game. You somewhat regrettably appear to have not comprehended what I said. Far from "taking subtle potshots at some of the few coders with the "requisite talent, time and/or interest"" I was in fact expressing a wholly different sentiment. Please go back and carefully read what I posted and you'll then hopefully understand that I actually credited the fact the Jaguar scene does indeed have some talented coders but that its "a real shame" they don't always appear to have sufficient enough spare time, or perhaps interest, available to devote to undertaking the painstaking task of producing "more original content on Jaguar". As for what constitutes "worthwhile" then it would appear you failed to keep pace with the context of the debate. To help avoid any further misunderstanding on your behalf I'll quote my original post, "For a system as powerful as Jaguar that's unfortunately plagued with so many 16-bit conversions maybe having a game originating on a 32-bit platform such as PlayStation would be something more worthy." Assuming you're of sound mind you should by now have comprehended I was expressing the view that such a game would "maybe" be more "worthy" of "a system as powerful as Jaguar" is than the significant number of 16-bit game conversions which already exist. I trust this explanation, which really shouldn't have been necessary had you properly read and understood my previous two posts, now sets matters straight bringing with it the happy consequence of you no more feeling it necessary to retaliate in such a bizarre and personalised fashion brimming with seemingly paranoid delusions. Apology accepted in advance, thank you.
  5. How about something written from the ground up to take advantage of the Jaguar's strengths instead of trying to do what would end up being a half-assed version of a game that originated on a more powerful console? Yes, it'd be great to see more original content on Jaguar. Its a real shame so very few coders have the requisite talent, time and/or interest to produce such games that genuinely "take advantage of the Jaguar's strengths" in a worthwhile fashion these days.
  6. For a system as powerful as Jaguar that's unfortunately plagued with so many 16-bit conversions maybe having a game originating on a 32-bit platform such as PlayStation would be something more worthy.
  7. Ain't that the truth! Its long been a source of bemusement for me that some folk are seemingly content with playing certain games on Jaguar no matter how dire those games are.
  8. Hello everyone! They stalk me so hopefully they stalk you too!!!!

  9. I hope the poor guy was suitably attired for rummaging around in that attic...
  10. Damn, that guy's a time traveller what with that pic he date-stamped March 3rd 2011!
  11. Are you implying he might have some video tapes to sell... again?
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