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About Noah98

  • Birthday 12/29/1971

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    Retro gaming, Martial Arts

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  1. Sorry if I missed the answer to this, but will homebrews like Space Rocks work on the 7800+? I feel like that would make me buy one!
  2. I turned on my Vectrex today and the display was flashing. Eventually, the display went out and now I only get sound. I turned it on again later and the same thing happened. I don't think I have the technical ability to fix this. Is there somewhere I could send this in for repair?
  3. I would love to see remakes of Wing Commander I and II! Privateer was pretty great too!
  4. Blazing Chrome captures the Contra vibe well. I also think GunLord is a lot like the old Turrican games.
  5. I think what Keatah is trying to say, is that if you are going to try and release a new retro style console, then you need to ditch the online, NFT's, digital media, motion controls, screens on the controllers, and all the bloat that makes it hard for your product to come to market, find an audience, be affordable, and gain the trust of the consumer. If I want a nice digital retro console I have so many cheaper, better options. I can get an old PC and tune the interface, tweak some amazing emulators, and create a great, curated experience of fun retro games with some modern quality of life improvements like save states, filters, mods, etc. I can go the more expensive, fancy route with an FPGA console. Or, I can go the affordable route (pre distribution shortage) and slap a raspberry pi in a nice case and put that together. All of those options make the Amico seem unnecessary. I can even use an old wiimote on my pc with an emulated Wii game with 4k resolution, 60 fps, and motion controlled gameplay. Why do I need an Amico? If they go the cartridge collector route, like Evercade, then the market is different. I want the box, nice manual, physical cart that doesn't need an update, install, or internet connection to work. And you differentiate from the Evercade or other homebrew/emulation options by providing the Intellivision franchises like Night Stalker and Cloudy Mountain along with reimagined classics like Missile Command and Asteroids, or even enhanced Android ports like Evel Knieval in a nice collectable, and hopefully affordable, form. That separates you from the big boys (affordability and exclusives) and even provides that curated experience with less releases where you are not competing with thousands of games say on the Nintendo eshop. Just my two cents!
  6. Probably would take a long time for any redesign, but I don't think they can carry out the original. I would like to see the original controllers with the disc retained, but maybe put some buttons where the touch screens are. You could still hold them, either vertically or horizontally, depending on the game. If the go with an XBOX style controller, they might as well forgo the hardware and just license the software. I wonder if the Evercade Vs is powerful enough to run their games? If so, redesign the software and partner with them. Maybe make a special Intellivision themed version of the Vs. Not such a bad idea!
  7. I'd like to see them redesign the console and make it more like the Evercade. It should absolutely be cartridge based and scrap the online shop idea. They probably don't have the resources and infrastructure right now to support an online shop, and real physical media would give consumers confidence that the product will not be a waste of money in the future. I also don't think they can afford to make the NFT part work for their previously released "physical media." They should also ditch the touchscreens in the controllers and just add a few buttons in that area. It won't make the controller too complicated if they only add two or three. These can be for secondary functions. While that will mean that some of the games they planned will not work, like the card games, that's fine. They should also ditch the motion controls. The Wii ship has already sailed! Only one pack in game should be included (probably Shark! Shark!). The system could launch with the following physical cartridges at $20 each: 1. Astrosmash 2. Biplanes 3. Breakout 4. Cloudy Mountain 5. Dynablaster 6. Evel Knievel 7. Finnigan Fox 8. Missile Command 9. Moon Patrol 10. Night Stalker 11. Rigid Force Redux 12. Shark! Shark! 13. Skiing 14. Snafoo 15. Tank Battle With Cloudy Mountain and Night Stalker, the system would launch with two must have games and a healthy starting lineup. I'd buy at least seven out of those fifteen if they were on cartridges. With those reductions in mind, the system could cost only $150 with one controller and one game. Evercade vs is doing $130 with two cartridges and two controllers, so I think it's reasonable.
  8. Thanks for the quick response. The Magic Pixel/Zaccaria stuff is really good, so no worries!
  9. Bill, I noticed that the Gottlieb tables run on Pinball Arcade's software. I've played around with Pinball Arcade on Steam, and they have Stern Pack 1 and Stern Pack 2 still available for purchase with tables like Star Trek and Ghostbusters. They also have an original Doctor Who table. Is it possible that these could be made available for purchase for our machines, or is the license challenging? I much prefer playing my machine stock than OTG, and I'd be willing to pay more to have this available. I'm pretty sure these would be popular with the community, and since the software is already running on the stock table, it seems like it could be possible.
  10. I am super excited about Taito tables. Should be a great addition and of course a day one buy for me! Bill, I was wondering if you could pass on a simple feature request for me? Could we have a setting where the back glass displays a still image during OTG mode? I hate that the screen stays black! Even if we had a default fullscreen Legends Pinball graphic that we could toggle on while in OTG mode, that would look nicer. Ideally we could choose a single still image that would persist in OTG mode. I want to eventually get the VIBS board when it becomes available, but I understand supplies are limited. I think many owners who do not want to do the mod and install the VIBS board would still appreciate having a user selectable image to populate the backglass. Hopefully you can use your powers of influence to make it happen, lol!
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