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  1. Moonsweeper results: Globeron - 4865 Smoker Ace = 3135 I just came back from USA via Japan, time for September's 2024 game by Inufuto (Retro PC on YouTube): Osotos: * http://inufuto.web.fc2.com/8bit/osotos/#ti99 * Rom - http://inufuto.web.fc2.com/16bit/ti99/osotos_bin.zip * RPK - osotos8.rpk Move [E][S][D][X] Pushing a block Spacebar or Q to push. Joystick 1 can be used
  2. It seems this is the correct link - http://inufuto.web.fc2.com/8bit/osotos/#ti99 (the other was also correct directly to the Rom image - http://inufuto.web.fc2.com/16bit/ti99/osotos_bin.zip)
  3. Same here, I double checked my picture I only used straight RS232 cabling and connectors (no cross-over cable nor cross over plug in between)
  4. FYI - the latest version, last time Ed mentioned to change sometimes some settings @echo off set VMARGS=-Xmx256M -Dlog4j.configuration="jar:file:%~dp0%/v9t9j.jar!/log4j.properties" rem set VMARGS=%VMARGS% -Dlog4j.configuration="jar:file:%~dp0%/v9t9j.jar!/debug.properties" java -version if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( @echo Java not installed. Please install it and try again. pause start http://java.com ) else ( rem apparently Win7 does not like this format anymore... rem java %VMARGS% -jar "%~dp0%\v9t9j.jar" %* java %VMARGS% -jar "%~dp0%\v9t9j.jar" --client SWT pause ) Also do a right-click inside the blue TI-Window with the mouse to enable the "Show Advanced Controls" at the bottom of the screen.
  5. This used to be my local area network, all with standard RS232 cables, USB cables, normal RS232 TI Cards, all worked fine to transfer files between TI and PC. @F.G. Kaal Fred's tools are excellent, also look at TIPrint, etc. https://hexbus.com/ti99geek/ (old website http://www.ti99-geek.nl/)
  6. This I wrote some time ago (included VDM99) - https://www.globeron.com/freedownload/services/TI99/TI-99-4A-PC-transfer-v1.12.pdf
  7. I always used normal cables and usb-serial db9 (profiling, some of these cheap USB cables do not work okay). And some examples
  8. I will try with 5 lives once I have some time (I think it takes 1 hour+ to run through) I came to level 7 with 3 lives and the speed increased as well later in the game. I like the scenes in between.
  9. There are 20 levels in total? Nice, will try to play to them, it is a nice game!
  10. (put the picture in the ti99\images folder and ti99\video folder) Press very long on the button to open up the game, then the menu appears on the right, select edit metadata then point to the image and video file. (if the names of image, video, game are exactly the same it should come up automatically)
  11. in Retrobat you need to go to Game Settings - Update Gamelists (or exit Retrobat and restart should also update the gamelist.xml in the directory) Normally everything can be done via the Retrobat interface (there is a forum https://retrobat.forumgaming.fr/ where their development team has been fixing TI-99/4A related fixes in their UI)
  12. Batocera is a standalone linux system (e.g. it can boot from USB) with a similar emulationstation interface, but I changed to Retrobat because it runs on Windows 11 which I use on my main TV also for other things like Netflix, etc. with Retrobat I do not have to switch / reboot. Both can run MAME64 or RetroArch/Libretro (I used the latter most of the time, because of the controllers being able to get back to emulstation). Both use .rpk formats (see whtech, search on batocera / retrobat). FYI -
  13. Note: to use keys E,S,D,X in the emulators the CAPS-LOCK need to DOWN (to use capital letters). (in Retrobat with Pad2Key you can map the keys to use a Joystick mapped to E,S,D,X) Or when selecting the Joystick in Pacman++ game itself (option 4 configure) (then CAPS-LOCK need to be "up" position, otherwise you cannot move upwards) 1. Rom only version by Tursi works perfectly in Retrobat / based on RetroArch(LibretroMAME) or Mame64 pacmanplusnosave.rpk and the image and video files (to be used in Retrobat -> in the roms/ti99/images and /videos directory) pacmanplus.zip 2. and for the orginal version (which requires the disk to save the high scores) it also works in Retrobat by using a Batch file (and under the Windows roms) (used a separate directory C:\GAMES\ti99 and also assume that C:\GAMES\mame directory is here with the respective mame version) See the batch file in the .zip for details:ti99pacmanplus.zip
  14. Got it, it is very well done! I am going try to add it to the Retrobat system (based on MAME), but normally these are .rpk / .bin format only and not depending on a .dsk file, but I like the High score saving part.
  15. js99er. need to play with E,S,D,X (arrows does not work) Nice game, I like it with the different screens and acts in between! There is a bit kind of movement with shocks (or not smooth, like in Munch-Man to go fast) and I thought maybe it is the emulator and tried Classic99 and MAME as well, but it is the same. It looks with JS99er, Classic99 the score is not saved (maybe only disk read access), but in MAME I set the disk to write access and the score is saved and loads after a reset.
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