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About COREi64

  • Birthday 03/23/1964

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    COREi64 3D Design
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  • Location
    Alberta, Canada
  • Interests
    Retro Computing, 3D Design, Electronics
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  1. Thanks. I will have to remove the connector from the motherboard. Ideally I'd love to be able to put a replacement connector into the machine so I don't have to mess around with the cables to my other drives. I figured it might be tough to find an actual replacement connector, but figured it's worth a try. Appreciate the suggestion. If all avenues become exhausted that may be my only option.
  2. I need to replace the external floppy connector on my ST. Wondering if anyone here knows of a place selling them. Looking for the one that's in the machine, soldered to the MB. Been looking around. Can't find'em. Actually, I don't even know what they're called... which makes it even harder to search for them. Thanks.
  3. You'll have to exercise your own google-foo to figure out why they chose the name. Cool kick-a$$ name though. As for being able to upgrade it sure. There's a flash chip on the cartridge. That's the one that I flashed with the latest 4.49. Should there be an update, it would just be a matter of putting the chip in the programmer and writing the new file to it. There are lots of programmers available out there that will do the job.
  4. Yes, that's the version on cartridge. The ones I build use the latest v4.49
  5. As a sister group to my C= Enhancements, I've created an Atari Enhancements Facebook Group for those people that also enjoy interacting in that type of social platform. https://www.facebook.com/groups/207539209033991 It's been created specifically to highlight past and present enhancements from terrific creates so that they may showcase their creations to the vibrant Atari community. If that sort of thing interests you, you've more than welcome to join and partake in the fun.
  6. Fully endorsed by Dropcheck, I am now producing the Super SpartaDOS X cartridge. You can find them through the following link. https://corei64.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=444 Here's a photo for the first 10 I've built. The only hand soldering done on these boards are the battery holder and the cartridge connector. Everything else is done using a stencil printer and professional quality reflow oven. Boards are all gold plated. Cases are available for purchase with the cartridge if you so desire. COREi64
  7. Just a heads up to those monitoring this Bits of the Past thread, and have been waiting for SpartaDOS cartridges to become available again. I just completed building and testing 10 cartridges. I'll be posting this in the for sale section here shortly as well. https://corei64.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=444 COREi64
  8. Thanks for that information. I'll be sure to include kudos to them in the future as well. COREi64
  9. I'm not sure if these other cartridges you're talking about had the exact same footprint as the SpartaDOS X board. COREi64
  10. I found them here: https://www.bitsofthepast.com/cartridgeboards.html# if you're looking for the gerbers to do it yourself. If you're looking for an assembled one with or without a case, I'll be able to do that for you too (once the boards arrive and I adapt my case design). COREi64
  11. One more quick post. A couple photos from the other day, closer up, so you can see what reflow soldering looks like on the SpartaDOS cartridge I'm producing. The cartridges will have version 4.49, as shown in the last picture. COREi64
  12. I've ordered the RA boards from Dropchecks site (thanks by the way for posting that). As soon as they arrive, I will be creating a revised design for the right-angled board. COREi64
  13. Thanks Dropcheck for not only bringing this to peoples attention but for allowing me to carry on the creation of this wonderful cartridge! I've been busy tuning my workflow for the SpartaDOS cartridge. I finished nailing it down today, and tomorrow I start producing them. My initial run will be 10 boards, however I have parts ordered for 50 more. I think that should keep people in SpartaDOS's for a while eh! The PCBs are enig (gold plated) and are constructed using a solder paste stencil printer and a commercial quality reflow oven. I've also developed a jig to perfectly align the cartridge connector on the end of the PCB, so I guarantee it will be dead straight, centered with absolutely no skew. For your entertainment, here are some photos of the first board I built using my developed workflow that I'll be using for all future built boards. The yellow thing is my jig. And the blue case is an example of how it's installed and what it looks like in the case. I am contemplating removing the embossed "SpartaDOS X" and replacing it with a vinyl color label. Community thoughts on that would be welcome. The case will be an option for those that want something covering the bare board at time of ordering. It can also be ordered after the fact for people with boards and no case. The case is compatible with Dropcheck's built boards as well as my builds. Give me a couple more days, to build and test 10 cartridges, then I'll post here when they'll be up for sale. COREi64
  14. I had considered a top clip initially, however, after completing the designs for all my machines, I deemed it not necessary. I do acknowledge, through this dialog, that some environments could be more at risk than others. I don't see how you considered my response as "taking it personally", but everyone to their own interpretation. All good. I disagree that side to side movement wouldn't normally be an issue. If the installer didn't ensure a perfectly level install, there are homes that will vibrate somewhat when people stomp around or rowdy kids horsing around. These vibrations on a less than level installation (or even a level installation) could cause a machine to "walk" if it weren't "stopped" on either end. Hence my decision to include that. Not every mount is created equal due to the nature of the profile of some of the machines (specifically the 1200XL, 800XL, 600XL and for the TI contingent, the TI99/4A). Those brackets actually lock the machine in such that, it is impossible for them to rotate out. For those who chose to view the video, they could have noted that in those designs. In those cases, a top clip would only prevent the machine from lifting out. Those are impossible to rotate out of their respective brackets. For those that could rotate out, I could most certainly entertain designing a retention clip for the top to prevent that from happening... but as mentioned, I honestly didn't see the need for it after completing my designs as I found them to be so stable in their resting positions. Your concerns have been noted. Hahahaha, loved your comment re: "children...can be an earthquake in and of themselves". So true... I also didn't consider pets, so that is indeed a solid point! So, I do see your position. Should the "buying public" demand it for their more active environments than I seem to live in, I would certainly consider designing a complimentary clip and anti-rotation stop. Thank-you for bringing that to my attention.
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