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About godslabrat

  • Birthday 06/06/1981

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    I took the midnight train going a-ny-where...
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    Oklahoma City
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    NES, SNES, Gameboy, Virtual Boy, DS, N64, GameCube, Wii, Atari 2600, XBox, Playstation, CD-i, Action figures, Comic Books, Movies...

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  1. Sure, let’s talk about the Amico. The Amico is, quite simply, a scam. By “scam”, I mean the people in charge of it took money for investments and pre-orders that they knew would not be fulfilled in the time frame specified. All evidence, and I mean literally 100% ALL of the evidence, available, indicates there was no way the original 10/10/2020 release date could have been met, and this was known in 2019. Like every grifter console released, all they ever had was a shell, and hastily scrambled to put the insides together after the money was raised—this is not even disputed. What does seem to be in dispute is how this forum enabled this grift, and allowed Tommy Tallarico’s outright lies to stand without scrutiny. It is unacceptable that this would be the standard allowed here—this is the same forum that took down the Coleco Chameleon. However, for whatever reason, Tommy’s scam was allowed to have its own free-reigning thread (which lasted years) and people were banned for asking questions he didn’t like, for posting images he didn’t approve of, or not “reading the room” correctly. Want to say I’m wrong? It’s going to do more than saying “Oh, that totally didn’t happen” or “Yeah, it wasn’t modded quite right.” No, what AtariAge needs to do is be transparent about what really happened. That means, at bare minimum, the following three things: 1)The Amico subforum should be returned to visibility, including all hidden posts. Readers need to see the discourse and decide for themselves if the banned posters truly deserved to be banned. 2)A full list of all banned posters should be given, along with what mod banned them and why. Readers need to be able to see if the reasons given match the allegedly bannable posts. 3)All of Tommy Tallarico’s DM communication with AA Staff should be posted. Readers need to be able to judge for themselves what established the relationship between Tommy and AtariAge. I don’t think this is what you want to see on AtariAge. If that’s the case, join the club. Maybe you now feel what the rest of us have felt watching AtariAge be transformed from “seasoned perspectives on the entire gaming hobby” to “Tommy Tallarico’s primary source for handjobs”. I think it’s clear to everyone that AtariAge is no longer what it once was, the only question is, do you care enough to fix it, or will you just forever ignore Tommy Tallarico’s stain on this website? See you in the funny papers.
  2. Hi all, Thought this might be a fun topic, I'm intentionally leaving it open-ended. What system had the most games that featured design choices that just screamed "we did it this way just to show we could"? I mean cases where tech tricks were used to no real gain, or the game was more complex than it needed to be. Were some systems just more prone to experimentation gone wrong?
  3. It absolutely holds water. Analogue has shipped multiple products. Intellivision has shipped zero. The track record for the latter makes it reasonable to guess that the resulting product will be of similar quality (after a regrettable delay). Intellivision has no track record, so there's no expectation regarding their output.
  4. Completely agree. That's why I like this kind of project: just make the best game boy ever made. BYO games.
  5. The Analogue Pocket got me super jazzed. It's the first new retro hardware that's had me interested in a while, and the first Analogue product... really ever. I haven't pre-ordered one, but do plan to do so the first time it's reasonable. And by "reasonable" I mean I can just sit down and order one without refreshing my screen for an hour. The delay... is disappointing. I feel like this was probably something that should have been made public earlier. I'm inclined to think it was clear the initial date would not have been met some time before the delay was announced. That said, there's a lot that separates the situation from something like the Amico. First, Analogue has a consistent track record delivering very similar products. Second, the Pocket doesn't rely on an extensive ecosystem outside of the product itself-- Analogue doesn't have to make an online service or even games for it. All Analogue has to do is make sure the core product is sound and release it. I might not be happy about the timetable, but still very eager for this device.
  6. I updated my chart because it looks like Polymega actually did ship. It's still unclear how many units went out into the mail, but I'm counting it until I hear something that contradicts it. So, to beat the record, Amico is going to need to be delayed for almost two years. That seems a bit of a reach. I'd say its a very solid bet that they'll pass the VCS, though.
  7. Big fan of the 3DS. Haven't been watching the prices because I'm very happy with the one I have, but getting a spare might not be the worst idea. Doesn't seem like now is the time, though!
  8. I say we get rid of Soulja Boy and bring back Yahoo Serious
  9. Your honor, I submit this as "Exhibit A" that some people just have too much money.
  10. This is just slightly believable, in that I'm pretty sure SB is worth more than l'Atari is. But I don't think this is happening.
  11. Just for fun, I've compiled a spreadsheet that compares the various FauxRetro consoles with each other. It strikes me as being a useful way to see how similar or different their development is. The "Total Ruse" is the amount of time between the first public announcement of the console and the end (cancellation or shipping). Basically, it measures how long the company was able to get away with jerking everyone around. Currently, the Polymega is the reigning champion, though signs point to that possibly making it into people's hands. It's conceivable the Amico could catch up if it never gets released at any point in 2022 (this is not a prediction that it will or will not, merely a statement of fact regarding the calendar). Funny, though, the Coleco Chameleon seemed like this epic tale back when it was first happening... but it was born and died in less than a year, AND was cancelled before its first ship date ever happened. Amazing how someone can make Mike Kennedy seem like the Good Ol' Days!
  12. Much as I would be interested in this for my own personal needs, I don't see nintendo going this route. The flexibility of the switch seems to be baked into the idea. I'm amazed they ever did the lite, but I think the need to have a pocketable portable overruled "branding" that time.
  13. Would you say this is a worthwhile dev tool for a home brewer in 2021, or are there better/easier options? presuming I could get it to run on my hardware, of course.
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