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  1. Looks great, sounds great.
  2. I have since found out the CPC464,664,6128,CPC plus models sold 3.2-5.3.5m and that is considered "3rd place"by Europeans in the home computer wars as Apple and Acorn educational sales are excluded. 3m with 5200 console sales included would be great A8 success IMO. The designer of the C128 says 4.5-5.0m were sold, about 100k-150k SX64 units sold and these always should be lumped into C64 units sold along with MAX Machine which is 23m or more. I am working on a video about the main 5 home micro vs VCS/Coleco/Vectrex/Intellivison/SMS & SG1000/NES & FAMICOM units sold just to show the relative scale of the console market but the NES in 86-92 was more of a poor people's champion but the Famicom sold about 30m units in Japan so even with 2 yrs of NES up to PC Engine/Amiga/ST era Nintendo would be ahead of all others, with VCS second and VIC II/SID based machines 3rd.Next is probably Sega at 10-13m I guess. Didn't expect that.
  3. Euromax Zipstik, there is no other arcade quality option. If you want a joypad, the Sega official 6 button Megadrive pad is technically the best in the world too. Everything else is beneath those two options, both are dead easy to find.
  4. Mini releases of computers are pointless. With something like the SNES mini all you touch is the control pads which are full size. A computer though is all about using the actual keyboard. I have no interest in anything other than the full size machines outputing fully legal RGB SCART for CRTs. LCDs are not my thing and with an Atari 400/C64 mini you might as well just use a PC + emulator on LCD TV/monitor is my response. YMMV of course.
  5. Hmmm forgot about the sampled sound aspect. I think Starglider 1 is another and Gauntlet II had a much longer intro sample with a 1040, plus IIRC you got more in game samples on Gauntlet II if you had a 1mb ST. What about games that had less disk swaps if you had 1mb? This was a thing on the A500, a little image of a trapdoor RAM exp would pop up indicating the game would use the extra 512k found and buffer more data for less disk swapping.
  6. Companies like Commodore and Atari actually improved sales of their computers due to piracy. Once Peter told his friend that he could get him any game he wanted on his ST/Amiga he was thinking of buying that was a massive incentive over getting a console, besides the ST is a better games machine than the NES/SMS IMO if the right talent is on the development team for that genre, plus all the unique home computer games. Companies who made software, that's a bit of a grey area, some companies who had high quality coding/pixel art/audio engineers on their team deserved not to have their games cracked. All those horrible conversions of technically challenging games they shamelessly put out deserved to not see a penny and go bankrupt. My first three games I bought for my 520STM were below "commodore 64 average quality" I had enjoyed for over 3 years. In the UK software can not be returned for a refund by consumers, that is the law, they can only exchange it for another copy of the same pathetic game inferior to a decent ZX Spectrum game on tape. I don't like cracktros on any system generally, unless the music is stunning, but trainers sure are useful if you ONLY want to play level 2 of Batman the Movie (although level 1 is technically lovely it's not my kind of game but driving the Batmobil is brilliant!). If the files are deprotected into standard ST format you can also replace the gaudy palette of games like Elite for something a bit more appropriate and less clown college/primary school painting class. Some original games have protection that is so intrusive to the game that nobody can really enjoy it, which is kind of dumb seeing as every game gets cracked in a matter of hours by the 'sceners' and your average consumer is not the one doing the cracking anyway but his gameplay enjoyment is shortlived due to frustration at the copy protection method. Rocket Ranger is absolutely ruined with that stupid codewheel.
  7. Somebody was talking about Star Wars by Domark having more samples if used with a 1mb ST which I think I heard back then, also IIRC there was more samples for Gauntlet 2 if you had 1mb but not sure now. Is there a list of STFM games that are enhanced if the extra RAM is detected on boot-up? I never had anything other than my 520STM + SF354 set up back then so although I had the games I never could have seen a difference.
  8. Thanks, It is indeed the last two videos but it's part 3 that has the demo on the Atari stand. I will see if I can find the other obscure streaming site it was on and see if the uploader has part 3 on there still. The part I remember now.
  9. I think this is a video I saw, possibly in 3 parts, and it was on Youtube and another streaming video site. You can't find it now but on the off chance somebody knows of a link to it somewhere else would be great. It's the video where they show the ST but also demo some sort of XE GUI type prototype or something I think.
  10. Many thanks, wasn't sure as I just watched a few videos of it, it's awesome, not just for the VCS but awesome for any 8bit system. Well done
  11. Couldn't see Turbo listed on the games in the Champ Games store, copyright problem?
  12. The 2 colours = background, 2 colours = foreground is very useful. If you were to do a conversion of Konami's Chequered Flag arcade you would do the green and light green of trees as bit colours 10 and 11 but the road tarmac and shadows of the treetops on the road as colours 00 and 01 you get the effect of the car sprite driving on the road and over the shadows BUT driving under the tree tops for no CPU time at all. This is a feature few used properly, you have to fully understand how the VIC-II works to do the best of the best games. The switching between hi-res and multicolor mode in a 16 pixel wide area is not a disadvantage either, if you are drawing in an area that is only two colours anyway say on the ground in a Zelda type top down scrolling RPG you can choose to go hi-res in that character block. This is also another unique advantage. There is also extended background mode too, which with careful design you can get the benefits of 8kb hi-res bitmap modes (i.e. change both foreground and background colours every 8x8 pixel area) but only have to modify a 1kb screen. If you want to do Smurf Rescue from Colecovision this is the mode you would have to do, with raster splits for status displays back to regular text mode with 256 character combinations. The limitation of EBC mode being you can only specify character 0 to 63 to put on the screen. 64 used designed graphic characters for an actual game window is perfectly fine for some games. Delta only uses the non sprite pixels for the starfield alone, the rest of the display is a pure VCS style race the beam sprites everywhere (inc borders) type tech demo...with a free bullet hell rock hard shmup thrown in for free. If you can do everything Delta does with sprites and then max out the VIC-II non sprite pixel hardware you get games like Enforcer - Full Metal Blaster, which is easily as good as the best Famicom (Crysis Force) or SMS (R-Type?) shmups. In the right hands you get games like Law of the West which had visuals that could only be replicated on EGA or Atari ST due to the sheer size of sprite pixels with independent palette and all the niceties of the C64 palette being fully used for foreground/background every 8x8 pixels in 320x200 mode. Pain in the ass bitmap mode for doing games like Elite or Rescue on Fractalus (which is poorly coded by the n00b who wrote that C64 Shamus game as his 'experience') Demo coders have doubled the framerate on 4 colour multicolor fractal game engines already.
  13. Space Invaders on a product sold to Atari VCS fans should be supplied with the superior, due to many gameplay enhancements, VCS Space Invaders, it's that simple. If you don't see it like that then you are not a true lover of the VCS and I am not interested in comments from such people weren't there at the birth of the home video gaming explosion. Atari changed everything in 1980, this is the most important game in that achievement. ANY company that puts out anything other than a 100% perfect port of the version of the game that turned the VCS, and the console industry, into a going concern for the rest of time has no respect, or love, for the actual heritage of the VCS and the historical importance of that killer app kickstarting the whole revolution from 1980 onwards. Whilst it may have 2 columns of invaders less and doesn't look/sound like the arcade the VCS port has many many advantages that take it from 10 minutes worth of occasional mediocre gameplay of the arcade to something both with more longevity and more nostalgia in a double whammy. Why just Space Invaders too, why not Pac-Man and Asteroids which are in far more desperate need of replacement with something more like the arcade. Is it a licensing problem, perhaps the license for that port granted to Atari had a time limit in the contract. Either way seeing that garbage version on the Flashback 50th Anniversary is a slap in the face. Why go to all that effort in making the 50th Anniversary DVD and then bastardise the console.
  14. I noticed somebody had made some boxes for this, is it just the prototype version or did somebody later go in and add to the prototype game hence the box for it?
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