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An expensive set?



Yesterday, I said I'd get a complete View-Master VR pack set. This will cost me more than I thought. I went on the internet on the View-Master website just to see if anything else had been made or if it was completely forgot about or abandoned and someone pulled the plug on the project so to speak. Well since my last visit to the View-Master site, apparently two more VR packs have been made. One is of Bat-Man and the other is of He-Man. I don't know why they picked He-Man as something to make a thing about, since its last cultural relevance was in the '80s. Or perhaps I'm missing some reboot? We shall see. I am going to Toys 'R' Us soon to find out and buy these. Even though, like I said yesterday, the whole thing was underwhelming. Or perhaps I'm missing something I didn't see yesterday while I was toying with the thing. It said on the Destinations pack that you can go around and see the Tower of London. This seems highly unplausible given what I experienced yesterday. But who knows. I guess I may have missed something. When I was done, my phone was hot. I guess they should learn to make smart phones be not so hot. If Nintendo made the 3DS be able to stay unhot, why not a smartphone? Most of today was spent working on the Snowman game redesigning the snowman. Even after a first redesign, he still looked phallic, so I took the snowman's head off and gave him red boots to walk around in. And I gave him eyes and a mouth. Even after doing this, the snowman blinked like crazy whenever jump and fire were pressed together on real hardware. So I'm not sure whether what I had in mind will work. But I will keep working on it anyway because I get easily bored.


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