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bored again.

So I got bored. I decided to make a piece of music. But not just your ordinary piece of music. Think "Thick As a Brick" crossed with "Shine On You Crazy Diamond." I've composed ten minutes worth of music so far and I haven't even gotten to the first verse yet.   I decided to break the song up into segments. Which sounds really crappy because there's this tiny, yet VERY NOTICEABLE speck of silence between parts 1 and 2. I downloaded a tool that I found called MPTrim, which I hope will h


atari2600land in personal stuff

AE-03 Up the Pineapples - on a table.

I had insomnia last night. I just couldn't get to sleep. So I got up and did some things and finally fell asleep exhausted at about 3 a.m. I woke up at 2:30p.m. So I guess I'm back to sleeping all day and awake at night again. Which I don't want to be doing. I always want to be awake in the day and sleep all night like a normal person, but the insomnia makes it hard to do.   Some of that insomnia time was spent on Up the Pineapples. I tried to make a smaller ant, but I couldn't get it


atari2600land in Atari 2600

AE-03 Up the Pineapples - random solved.

So now I have a random water drop going down the pineapple. I know why I was having a problem. I hadn't preset Rand and Rand16, which apparently I needed to do because I didn't and that would make them set to 0 and apparently the code doesn't work if they're set to 0.   I woke up early due to me having acid reflux. It was 5 a.m. so I decided to work on this. A few hours later I couldn't take it any more so I quit and went on to other things. I came back to this about 45 minu


atari2600land in Atari 2600

AE-03 Up the Pineapples

Yesterday I wanted to make a game for the Atari 2600. Make a new game. But I didn't have an idea. But then I thought of one. So I've begun work on a new game called "Up the Pineapples." The goal is to climb up pineapples while not getting hit by falling stuff. I hate my ant sprite, but since nobody seems to care about these games, I'll have to live with it. And it's OK if you don't care. I'm just doing this because I have nothing else better to do in life. The ant can be moved around

AE-02 Fruit Fly Fun

Work resumes on Fruit Fly Fun for the Atari 2600.   Today's "lovely" tasks were trying to keep a stable 262 scanlines between the switch from the intro to the title screen (that doesn't have the title on it. I could call it "The Mashed Potatoes Uprising" and I wouldn't have to change anything.)   I also made it so the swatter can go down a bit further so it's easier to swat the flies at the bottom of the screen. That created a problem with the swatter handle so I fixed that t

A burger drawing attempt.

I realized that even though I got rid of most of the "real-life" pictures that were in Flying Hamburgers for the Game Gear, the burger on the title screen was still an actual photo of a burger instead of a drawing. I had a crazy background pattern but I had to redraw the burger and unfortunately Photoshop wouldn't let me move tiles around for some reason, so I gave up. In the end though, I think it turned out rather nice. I got up and went to my bed and tweaked my leg somehow and

Aegis Games returns

But just for the 2600 games I make. I've decided on a new way to make the games: Put a brand new intro in the second 2k and the game in the first 2k. I spent all day on this, but I now have a working (at least on an emulator) version of the Aegis Games logo (an æ) with scrolling colors. What I got is a 4k game. Let's go through the troubles I had here. The title screen music began during the intro screen. I have no idea why this happened. I also had trouble with the scr


Yesterday I thought I'd eat some sunflower seeds. I opened the jar and ate about half its contents. A few hours later I got really sick. My stomach hurt bad and I felt like I was going to vomit. So it was hard to go to sleep. But I did. After dreaming some really weird stuff, I woke up about 12 hours later. My stomach hurt, but the nausea was gone. So I pooped out a ton of poop. I'm surprised I didn't lose weight as I pooped out a LOT. So I learned my lesson: Don't eat sunflower seeds.  

Stupidman 2: d

I noticed right when I posted yesterday's blog entry that the d was lower case and all the other letters were uppercase. It took awhile to remedy that, but here is the improved title screen, complete with capital D. Everything on NES seems to be okay, but still I had jaggies. I tried another NES, and all it gave me was a blue screen with a black circle in the middle of the screen, which I thought was weird. I tried SMB2 on my top loader NES (the jaggies one) and it displayed jaggies a

Stupidman 2: a few little changes

So I made a few little changes to what I have with Stupidman 2. I designed a new title screen. I also made the cymbals in the title screen music quieter (and better in my opinion.)   I made some more little changes to door #1. Pressing Up and Down work automatically now (before, you had to depress up or down before he moved up or down) and also I made it so Stupidman can't go off the screen (if he did, the game would act as though Stupidman died due to the way I coded i

Hit the explosions

Working on my Game Gear game again today. I thought since the explosions were the enemies not being there any more that I should be able to hit an explosion without dying. So I changed it so I could.   I finally figured out the difference between a taco and a pizza: the pizza can move up and down, the taco only moves up and down. It was so subtle, I forgot why I even had a taco in the game in the first place.   Fleas are still here. I tried spraying Raid in my room. It says i

Talk o' taco

I attempted to make a new taco sprite. I thought about toppings I could put on it. Cheese, sour cream, and, of course, lots of meat (or beans if you're a vegetarian). The hard part was drawing it confined to 8x16 pixels, but after a few tries, I thought to myself "who cares actually?" and ended up with this: I also put in the level 6 I had drawn earlier, but I'll replace it again with what I had before if it turns out icky on my recapped Game Gear that's supposed to come in the mail s


atari2600land in Game Gear

3 enemies

I spent the last few nights attempting to put in three enemies in my Game Gear game. I eventually did it last night. I decided to make the burger smaller. From four sprites down to two. Same with the enemies. They are now two sprites. The French fry is now one sprite. So are the onion rings. I did this because some of the sprites during play were missing due to the fact that you can only have 10 sprites per row. So now even if you have all three enemies, the burger, the onion ring, an


atari2600land in Game Gear


So in the past few days, I was trying to put in five z's in a crossword puzzle. Nothing special. But when I was done, I had not 5, but 6 z's. And the puzzle was only 5x5 squares! Managed to make it hard seeing has how there are 6 z's, but hopefully still solvable. It's crossword #14 in my micro crosswords webpage. Like I said before, I was inspired by the mini crosswords the New York Times makes.   The flea infestation is growing. it seems like every ten minutes, there's at least a cou

level 2 work begins today.

Today I began work on level 2. Today's work was trying to make it say level 2 after level 1 was beaten. Level 2 will take place inside a giant computer. I was thinking one of those big, room taking up ancient computers, like ENIAC or something. So then I thought "Who would have something like that?" The government is always the answer. They're the ones fiddling with waffles, after all.   Don't miss the big announcement regarding Frank the Fruit Fly 1. Other than that, I


Yesterday I had about 250 views to my blog entry. I don't know why.   Today's is about volume. Which isn't of use to deaf people. but if you aren't deaf, here we go. I was fiddling around with my Game Boy tracker and discovered how to porperly change the volume of the music. I thought "instrument 1" meant the first instrument. No, "instrument 1" means the first instrument you can pick from. So then I tried to put all my songs I've been using in Frank the Fruit Fly 2 to change the songs

banana change

I changed the way the banana in screen 5 looks. I wasn't happy with the black outline of the white part. So I thought perhaps I could put the white part on the light gray ground. This is what I came up with: I finished up level 1. I figured out a way to store the boss song and the boss clear song in bank 7 and play when needed. I tried before, but the game crashed. So I tried again a few hours later, (I swear doing the exact same thing) and it worked.   Before I did that, I

I have a period.

I'm a guy. The problem is my butt is bleeding every time I try to poop. This is day #2 of this happening. Usually when I go through this, it goes away in a day or so. Perhaps this has something to do with that huge poo I got stuck in my butt a couple days ago.   So instead of trying to poop since I can't do anything about it except put some prep h on it and hope it goes away, to get my mind off it I decided to work on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 for the Game Boy. I decided to put in boss "fi

eventful few hours

I woke up at about 10 p.m. Right now it's a little after 1 a.m. But already stuff has happened that I want to blog about.   I was working on micro crosswords (more on that later) when I needed to poop. Boy did I need to. But it was a large one that got stuck and it hurt. Eventually more came and dislodged it and it felt better. But lesson learned: Don't hold in poop when you don't need to.   Now for the micro crosswords part: I've been making these really small crosswords eve

All work and no play

I've been working on the railroad Minigame Mayhem for the Virtual Boy. I went back and fixed some previous games and stuff. On the left is what "Cartful Dodger" looked like and on the right is the newer version. The black lines on the floor of the previous version looked like crap in motion, so I got rid of them. I also made the displays of food nicer with more detail. But the game just needs something else. I got 175 points on it, but I felt like I could play forever. The game


atari2600land in Virtual Boy

Blackjack, Video Poker fixed

I have an odd sleeping habit. I sleep more like 12-14 hours a day instead of 8. Because the stupid day is 24 hours long and not, say, 26, sometimes I'm up all night and sleep all day, and other times I'm up all day and sleep all night. Right now I'm awake at 12:45a.m. after sleeping for yes, 12 or so hours.   I fixed Video Poker, but then I noticed that Blackjack was all screwed up. So I had to fix that too. I eventually did. This is what video poker looks like now. I made t


atari2600land in Virtual Boy

Insomnia again.

I spent all night working on a game. It got to be 5 a.m. when I finished. I assumed I could go to sleep. But no. It's after 6 a.m. and I can't go to sleep! At least I'm at a good stopping point with the game.   What I did was added some playing cards to the two games that use them in my Virtual Boy game Chris's Casino. Blackjack looks much better now. Video Pokwer looks good too. Except I need to move the second hand off the screen. Might as well do that now since


atari2600land in Virtual Boy

My new monitor never came.

I ordered a new monitor because mine broke on Amazon yesterday and it said it would come today but it never did. I have been using the computer in my room since I discovered I could hook up my TV to my computer and use that like a monitor, but I have to look back and forth as I type and it's really dumb. It seems kind of suspicious it never came since a.) they told me it would come today, and b.) there's this huge warehouse just outside of town that I'm guessing would have stuff like that but I

My monitor broke.

I'm using the computer in the den right now because my monitor in my room broke. Which means I can't do anything on my computer until the monitor I ordered tomorrow comes, At least I hope it's the monitor. My computer should be okay since I turned it on and it stayed on, but nothing shows up on the monitor. I tried putting the working monitor cable in the den in my room and it didn't work, so it must be the monitor. All the monitor does now is flash a blue light. And of course I don't know what
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