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Fork it over



So I spent a few hours trying to make a fork appear in the Oranges game. I battled for hours until the fork finally appeared, at random times, at random places. Hopefully I will have to add very little code to differentiate the different powerups. I tested it on my real Game Boy, and the fork was too hard to see. So I made it darker. Right now the fork doesn't do anything. It just travels down the line and then I have it wait a random amount of seconds before it travels down its random speed again. And I made it appear at a random y position as well. This meant changing the Orange-O-Matic so instead of five different holes, it's just one giant hole. We don't want the fork appearing suddenly, as that would make Bob freaked out even more than he is right now. I also changed some variable names as well. Whenever I get angry at a game, I name variables with a rather nasty remark about life in general, because I get so angry about it not working. Once I get it working, I usually forget to change it since I'm not angry about it not working any more. I did not want to get up today. I struggled. I eventually woke up at noon to take my pills, then I just went back to sleep again. I blame the weather. It's kind of cold and really rainy out, a typical February day here. But I hate sleeping because I usually have bizarre dreams and think about bad stuff that used to happen to me.


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