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Orange music



So the next part of the Oranges game was the game over screen. I put one in when I woke up at 11pm and it took 3 hours for it to work right. Then I went back to sleep and got up at 2pm. The last hour was devoted to trying to put in a song for the game over screen. Failing mostly, until I realized not to change the NR11, 12, and 14 REGs. So I didn't, and it worked. Earlier last night I tried to work on getting the start button pressing correct. When I pressed start on the game over screen it started a new game. Eventually I got it to go to the title screen like I wanted. My brain hurts from thinking too much. So now that I got the game over screen work done, my next task will be ending the game once 10,000 points are scored. I thought about 30,000, but that, I figured, was too much. I want a really high, but not impossible, number to get to.


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