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Ending song in Oranges



So I was working on the ending song for Oranges. It wasn't playing right. Instead of playing at all, I kept getting this stupid icky white noise-sounding noise. Finally I said to myself, "Well, what does and has been proven to work in my game?" So I borrowed my own code, modified it for the end, and stuck it in there. Worked fine. I've decided to lower the goal from 10,000 down to 1,000. In case you go over 1,000, the game stops you and sets your score at 1,000, so that's the highest score you can get. And then a congratulatory message and ending music plays. That's it. In true Nintendo fashion, if you want to play it again, you'd turn your Game Boy off and back on again. I remember as a kid trying in vain pressing every button to get back to the title screen once Super Mario World ended, but I couldn't. I eventually just reset the console. But it's almost finished. All I have to do is test it. But the winds are really strong here, we had a gust of 54 mph this morning. So the power could go out. I have had the lights flickering. And I don't want to be testing my game when all of a sudden the power would go out, because it would be powering my Game Boy. So I'm going to wait until tomorrow to test the game. I set the score to 999 and then tested it, that's how I test the ending. But I haven't tested the game from starting at the score being 0. And apparently, the people on the Game Boy dev forums are being less than helpful and are keeping their mouths shut and not replying to my questions I posted a few days ago. And the ants came back. I woke up this morning and found them all over the kitchen counter.


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