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Orange testing



So I was being absent-minded again. Yesterday I mentioned that there was a big windstorm which could knock out power. I just today realized I could have played it on my GBA or GBC. Well, not my GBC because the battery is getting low. But I saw my GBA laying on the desk and I said "Why not test Oranges on that?" So I loaded up the game. I just today realized after 5 months of owning it that my GB Everdrive has a light on it. I don't see why that's necessary, but whatever. I played Oranges. It took me about 20 minutes to get 1,000 points and beat the game. I did have some close calls, though. But it does work okay and all. The powerups, the pausing, the oranges, it all looks great and I am pleased with the way it came out. I was going to make Frank the Fruit Fly a game. I am wondering how to make collision detection on one background character over and over again. The Game Boy does not have any collision detection routines. At least in C. Earlier today I worked on the knee game for the Atari 2600. I was all angry because something was making the scanline count jump up to 263 for a few frames, but I finally got it under control. So now I only have about 790 bytes left on the knee game. And yes, I did manage to make Oranges 32k and under 1,000 lines (as of right now.) If it weren't for the ants, I'd be having an okay day actually.


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