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A little song.



Mom keeps wanting me to give her all her pills so she could die. She says she's lost the will to live. I keep telling her she won't die and she'll just get really sick, but she doesn't believe me. She keeps saying "maybe I will. Let me try." I keep telling her that I'm going to take all my pills so I can die because I want to die. I can't keep living like this. Something's gotta give.

Regardless of this, I decided it was time to put in a game over screen for Oranges yesterday. Composing a little song is easy. But I put it in and the last note held, despite my putting the null command on the last entry of the MOD's line. I tried to speed up the song, and that worked. I decided I didn't want it to be that fast, so I tried to make it a little slower. The result is in the latest file. Why would it ignore the last line of a MOD file, and yet not ignore it if I put in fewer entries? It doesn't make sense.

Next was getting a good picture in. The one I had had a crappy colored orange in it. So I tried to make another one, and this is the result of that:


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