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Kevin Can't Wait



So I was having a problem with programming yesterday. I had to stop right in the middle of trying something. I had an idea for a solution, but no time because I had to go get my hair cut. After that, I went to the Game Crazy on Lancaster Dr. They had Mega Man V for NES, but it was $80. And Mega Man for Game Gear but it was $90. I saved $10 on eBay. I haven't been there a while, so there were lots of new things, but unfortunately, nothing I was extremely wanting.

I went back home after stopping at Burger King for some french fry goodness. Worked on the game. Had to throw my changes out the window and restart with version 16. Worked for like 3 or 4 hours on it. Went to sleep, woke up and magically I now have a (somewhat) playable game-like version 19. The tomato now appears at a "random" spot each time. To get this effect, the tomato's next x and y position really fast and invisibly down the screen, like how you read, only really fast like (or as fast as a Channel F can move stuff, which isn't very.)

So then once the tomato is eaten, the tomato then switches to the invisible x and y position and the whole process starts again. It even goes after the end and before the beginning to better get a more random starting position. I don't know what happens if the tomato starts right under the snake. That hasn't happened yet. Since the tomato is under the snake (how I want it, so it looks like the snake is eating the tomato), one of two things could occur: #1 - the tomato regenerates after not moving, or #2 - the goal would be to get to the snake's starting point.

But anyway, this is shaping up to be like the snake eating food type game I was envisioning more with each passing day. I wonder if e5frog would like to publish it when it's finished...


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