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Learning about my Channel F



So the missing channel F games I bought have been found. I have carts 1, 3, 5, 9, 12 and 17 plus 6 duplicate cartridges ready to be made into Kevin Vs. Tomatoes cartridges. I guess I'll keep a #3 even though it won't work in my Channel F (the f stands for "flaky"). So it's safe to say out of the ones I have, #17 is the best game. I can actually play it. But yes, something is wrong with the buttons. I'm not sure, but in cart #3 it acts like a button has been pressed and goes straight to the built in game. So even though #17 says "Pinball Challenge," it actually is Breakout. I guess they couldn't say "Breakout" since it was already copyrighted, but "pinball" is not a word I would use to describe it.

Cartridges 12 and 17 came with boxes. I was expecting the boxes to be bigger. Instead the cartridges barely fit inside them! I have some instruction manuals as well. I won't base KVT's manual off them, but it will be the same size. Pity about cart #5, I can't play it, either, but I'll keep it since it has a Zircon back label on it.

And now that I know my mailman is somewhat compitent, I can continue buying Channel F carts, both for my collection and for the KVT project. Only 14 more duplicates left to buy.


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I set up MESS to try out your game... it's looking good! :) What do you plan to add to the game?


Do you have a favorite Channel F game that you recommend? Dodge It was fun for a minute or two, but the others I peeked at didn't interest me much.

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I don't have all the Channel F games, in fact I don't have very many, but the funnest one I can play on a real Channel F that I have is Pinball Challenge (basically Breakout). Kevin Vs. Tomatoes is finished, after e5frog fixed a bug for me that showed up on a real Channel F and not emulation.

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Of the classic games, I enjoy Video Whizball the most. When it comes to homebrew, Pac-Man shines and Tetris isn't half bad once you get used to it, but then again you can play even greater versions of both games on other formats.

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