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Shoot the lettuce



So I worked on my spaceship game for the Channel F. It's similar to Space Jockey for the Atari 2600. You fly a spaceship, moving only up and down, to shoot at stuff coming towards you. Now I have the lettuce head in the game. It doesn't move yet nor can you destroy it, but it's there. Yesterday I worked on making the spaceship shoot missiles. Then I went to sleep for all of yesterday. Woke up at midnight and went back to work on it after eating breakfast.

I've decided to start working in smaller increments, with goals to set. Smaller goals, so I don't have any troubles or outbursts of anger for not getting things working the way I want them to. So after I was done getting the lettuce in the game, it occurred to me that I don't need separate X and Y positions for the blue borders around objects. I thought this before when working on it yesterday, but today I took them out of the game and they share the same coordinates with the objects.

I made a website for the game. You can check it out here. You can download the latest binary and also glance at the code. My Kevin vs. Tomatoes game was more of an exercise to see if I could understand how to program the Channel F. Now that I have discovered how to do stuff, I hope to have Killer Heads of Lettuce be a greater game than Kevin Vs. Tomatoes.


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How does F8 compare to e.g. 8048 which I understand you have been developing Odyssey^2 games in before? You seem to be rather agile to pick up the various assembler languages.

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Channel F was extremely hard at first, mainly because I didn't know the sprites' previous positions stay on the screen as well as their current positions. In fact, that was how Kevin vs. Tomatoes came to be. But when I wanted to make a game where the sprites didn't do that, I had to switch how I draw sprites. Now I use a method where I draw a sprite and another one atop it which is the background color and the hole is the sprite. This seems to work out pretty good.

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