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Game Gear stuff



So last night I worked on the hamburger game. I designed a little bit of level 1. I made it so the milkshakes change patterns every 20 points. And since I'm wanting there to be more than one level, I moved the specific code for changing level 1 shakes' attack patterns into bank 1. I am imagining the in-game code being one block of code, with changes every level which are controlled by moving to different banks. Like for example, Level 1-specific code is in bank 1. (The in-game and title screen code is in bank 0. There are 4 banks, 0-3.) Bank 1 is also where the background and song for level 1 are stored. Bank 1 is half-filled.

But I didn't get very far. I still need to change it once you get 60 points the attack mode is random. But I'm not sure when level 1 should end. At 100 points? 200? Anyway, woke up earlier than usual because I had an appointment to get my hair cut. Afterwords, I went to Game Crazy to see if they had anything. I was looking for Jurassic Park on eBay and the cheapest one I could find was $8 or so. But the store had it for $3. So I also got Last Action Hero for $15. Went home and tried to put them in cases, but discovered I apparently didn't have any more. So I bought 2 lots of 5 on eBay. I found another Game Gear in the garage, but I powered it up and it turned itself off. I wonder if it's just a cap thing and I can replace it once my first Game Gear dies. Or if I should just sell the broken one and get the caps replaced on my first Game Gear once it doesn't work any more.


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