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Making a video poker game - part 3



So I noticed a few things: #1. The last redealt card was always the ace of hearts. Wanting to change this, I apparently accidentally broke the game. It took a few hours to fix it. #2 - If the player hit the deal button while the win/lose song was playing, the note held into the next hand. This was an easy fix, though, compared to the other one. I must have playtested the stupid thing a half-dozen tries before I finally tested it for 10 minutes and it seems to be working okay.

I noticed that my computer seems to be wonky with its top front USB port. I kept trying to put the VB game onto the FlashBoy and it kept rejecting and stopping at like 1-11% complete. So I decided to try the bottom one. It works every time. So what I need to do next is make sure the one pair is at least Jacks or better, like in all the other games, because apparently in this game, it is a little too easy because it likes to dole out straights sometimes. This I think is due to the way I set it up because I had to set it up this way because the Virtual Boy doesn't have a random number generator.

But the main thing is the thing is functional. I'll work on it some more tomorrow and then test it on a real VB. Oh, and I got the slot machine spinning sound in, but it is a different sound from Mednafen on a real VB. Odd. At least the screen wasn't flashing like crazy like it did the past 4 times I tested it. I'm tired of working on this for today. Rest time from coding is now.


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