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Well, the time has come to finally sell stuff I don't use any more. I can't walk around in my room. It has a whole pile of games and game consoles on its floor. So I'm going to sell some of it.

But while I was going through it all to find stuff to sell I came across my old LeapFrog Didj handheld console. It had been ages and ages since I last powered the thing up. In fact, I think some of the games are meant for kids the age of which I last played the thing actually. It's an edutainment device released in 2008 and then quickly abandoned. I don't know why, the thing runs Linux, they got some interesting licenses (like Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Wars, etc.)

One of the games on it is a SpongeBob game. Upon hearing of the death of Mr. Hillenburg, and me finding the game console, I figure I should play it as a tribute to one of my favorite cartoons. So I am charging my Didj right now and when I get around to it, I think I'll put in the game and play a little bit of it.

I think I am one of the few people who has a complete Didj library and wants homebrew games for it. But that's as likely as a homebrew game coming out for the game.com. But the game.com doesn't have Linux. I don't know if Didj developers needed to know it since the games run in it, but a lot of homebrew hobbyists seem to know it. Hmm. Oh, and I'm not selling my Didj collection any time soon.

But I am selling some stuff in the Marketplace forum. So check it out. I plan on going to the Post Office this Thursday.


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