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Hamburgers Going to Switzerland.



I made a lot. Now I'm tired. Here is a screenshot of the game so far.
I am wondering what to do about the border, though. If I get rid of it, the clouds end early and that looks ugly. If I put it in, the clouds end okay, but the big border looks kind of ugly.
Next up, I want to do some music for the title screen. Right now the silence is really awkward. And then make the burger shoot French Fries. And make a sound effect for it. I have no idea how sound works on the Commodore 64. I'll have to do some research.

But the cloud moves left to get a sense of the hamburger moving. And you can use the joystick to move the burger around the screen. But I am going to quit working on this for a few days now. I got some alternate AC power cord. It's supposed to come Monday. I wonder if I can make it work.

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If you're really advanced, you can apply raster tricks to remove the border and allow sprites to be visible in that area. But yes that is pro trick and not all TV:s will display the entire border anyway.


Regarding music, I would strongly suggest you try a tool like Goat Tracker on the PC. It has good documentation though it might take a little to get into. Best of all, it generates binaries with player routine and music data ready for you to include into your game, and be called inside an interrupt routine. You can of course do everything yourself, if you want to learn how things work though you'd spend a lot of time reinventing wheels.

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Haha.. another anti-SID person? I tend to see those mostly in the POKEY camp, though with your Intellivision preference I suppose you're in the AY land.

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