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More playtesting



I've been meaning to get around to playtesting Yum more on my Game Boy, but I haven't been. Today I got around to doing it. I found a new bug. It had something to do with the level being displayed as level 0 in the options screen once you died. I think I fixed it. More playtesting needs to be done. It's kind of hard to see on my Game Boy Pocket. I'm using my Game Boy Everdrive, could that have something to do with it?

And it snowed a little bit. Since it's been above freezing, it didn't stick. Tonight it's (supposed to!) get below freezing which may mean an icy morning, but no snow since there should be no more moisture. I watched it fall for a while. It's really pretty even when it doesn't stick. Too bad. Too bad I live in No Snow Zone.


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