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Condor Attack (Ultravision/Taiwan Cooper)




Hey, who remembers Ultravision? Those guys who announced a too-good-to-be-true console, scrapped it, then released a grand total of two games for the 2600 before vanishing entirely, the two games they released were Karate, and Condor Attack. Now, we've all seen Karate and we all know it's a piece of crap. Karate has been done to death, and that's probably why I'm never going to review it (unless I'm very desperate), but Condor Attack tends to 'fly' under the radar due to the fact there were very few easily attainable re-releases, there are the K-Tel and Funvision versions but they're also pretty pricey. So we must fall back on our old friend who I've affectionately named T. Cooper. Mr. Taiwan Cooper has released this game in his line of ultra cheap bootleg cartridges, I got my copy CIB from Venezuela for eight dollars, and that's including shipping. The T. Cooper version of this game is called UFO, and when I saw the listing on Ebay I was shocked to see that it was in fact Condor Attack, I scooped it up as fast as I could, and could you believe it? It arrived on my birthday... Happy Birthday to me. So without further ado lets review this thing!


This game is ugly... All of the attacking enemies are low-res and monochrome to boot, the background is black, the floor is a girder from Miner 2049'er, and your gun is the only thing that is discernibly multicolored. Enemies move around very choppily and in the cart I got, whenever an enemy moved down the screen or was killed or if I was killed, the screen jumped and in some cases rolled. I also get some of this jumpiness on an emulator (Stella 5.1 to be exact), but it seems playing on actual hardware exacerbates the problem, I don't know if this is a problem for anybody else, but this jumpiness doesn't really affect the gameplay, it's still perfectly playable, it just looks a bit weird. Apart from all that, the graphics are just the bare basics, the absolute minimum to pass off as a game, which really reflects well on Ultravision.


Sounds are incredibly simple, just like the graphics, the sounds provide the bare minimum to qualify. You shoot, they shoot (x2), you explode, they explode, new game, 1-UP, that is pretty much it. The sounds are pretty ear grating, since most of them are fairly high pitched, not allowing the chunkiness I so desire. But yeah there really is no way of sugarcoating this, so far this game is just ugly both in sight and in sound. I'm rather confused as to why people will pay over a grand for one of these things boxed, I know it's rare and I know it's unique, it sort of falls into the same realm as Men-a-Vision's Air Raid... The game's crap but people will pay over four-figures for one in the box. Hmmm I don't think I'll ever understand the collector's market, but then again I don't have to, (now back to the topic at hand). So everything so far has pointed to a grade-A stinker, but can the gameplay save this thing?


Yes it can, this game is fun... I like it. I can look past the exterior ugliness of a game, as long as it's fun to play, thankfully Condor Attack delivers. This game is a blatant rip off of Demon Attack/Phoenix/Communist Mutants From Space/Space Invaders/Galaxian etc. though I'd say it leans more toward Communist Mutants From Space than anything. How about a basic description... You move your little gun horizontally along the bottom of the screen, while shooting at two attacking enemies, as a group of waiting enemies fly around the top of the screen, when you kill one of the attacking enemies another takes it's place from the group at the top, slowly decreasing it's numbers until there are none left, when all the enemies in a group are destroyed another more aggressive group takes it's place. Yeah... this is a poor man's C.M.F.S., and even though it doesn't play nearly as well or as smoothly, one can still get enjoyment from this game. It exploits the one-more-time mentality, because I must say, weaving through enemy shots whilst firing off shots of your own is extremely rewarding. Scoring is a bit unique, after every wave the point value of an attacking enemy is raised by ten, which is nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but there is a built-in way of boosting your score so you can either get to the harder stages faster or score some easy lives. It's simple, shoot the enemies at the top of the screen, they only give you three points per, but you can breeze your way through stages until a single attacking enemy is worth two hundred points and killing five will net you a 1-UP, also around stage five or six the difficulty reset to the easy difficulty, allowing me to easily get an extra life or two. This game is all about the score. I won't say it's particularly well programmed but what's here is still fairly decent.


Obviously I won't tell you to go out there and buy this game, It's Collector's Zone for this bad boy, without a second thought. It is simply too expensive, apart from the bootleg versions, but it seems they might be almost as rare. Unless you can score the T. Cooper bootlegs which are on Ebay RIGHT NOW under the UFO name, you may not ever see this game so affordable ever again. Also my copy of the game came with the original "Instruction Manual" which is a standard size sheet of printer paper with very basic and very poorly translated instructions printed on it, I'll include it at the bottom of the review so you can get a good laugh out of it. On a different note, I've noticed that AtariAge's page on T. Cooper carts is rather sorely lacking, so I put out the call to help flesh out that page, since there is so much hilarious crap that we're missing out on.

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I have actually never played Condor Attack. It actually never even occurred to me there might be [much more affordable] clones/pirates of this game.


I will be purchasing a copy of UFO tonight when I get home from work. :) (And maybe some other things...seller has some cool, cheap stuff!)

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I have actually never played Condor Attack. It actually never even occurred to me there might be [much more affordable] clones/pirates of this game.

Indeed there are an incredible amount of those T. Cooper bootlegs out there and many are incredibly cheap, sometimes they're the only way to play certain games on NTSC systems, some well known Bit Corp. releases are also in T. Cooper form, games like Mr. Postman, Bobby is going home, Snail vs. Squirrel, Open Sesame, and Mission 3000 A.D.. Problem is... nobody knows for sure how many of these are out there and how rare they actually are, so a recommendation from me to you... get as many of these as possible before the well dries up.


I'd also recommend http://www.atarimania.com/list_games_atari-2600-vcs-taiwan-cooper-black_publisher_2417_2_G.htmlfor research into which game the bootleg actually is, since Condor Attack is also sold under the name Demond Attack, which is another T. Cooper cartridge. They have the most comprehensive list as far as I can find. Good luck out there.

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I love the badly translated English in the manual. :D


A few years ago (okay... eleven) I made up a fake box and manual for UFO Patrol for the 2600 High Score Club, using a couple of online translators to mangle the English.

Oh yes... I still pull these out once in a while to chuckle over the typos and grammatical errors. So far I've got nine of these T. Cooper boxes, and all are glorious in their own way, whether it be the artwork or the grammar.

Taiwan Cooper Boxes

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The Taiwan-Cooper games for the Coleco are pretty trippy, too. :D


I want that Burger Time box as a poster. That's fantastic.


Also digging the Smure box and the apocalyptic Zaxxon art. :thumbsup:

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I want that Burger Time box as a poster. That's fantastic.


Also digging the Smure box and the apocalyptic Zaxxon art. :thumbsup:

There was a guy a little while back on Ebay who had all of those up for sale, including a crap ton of T. Cooper 2600 games, I only managed to snag Beamrider and Gateway to Apsh from the Colecovision lot, they were SO cheap I wish I had gotten to them sooner, thankfully I got to the 2600 games while there were some good titles left, actually all of my bootlegs are from that guy with the exception of UFO.

Gateway To Apsh (Taiwan Cooper)

Beam Rider (Colecovision) (Taiwan Cooper)


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I want that Burger Time box as a poster. That's fantastic.


Also digging the Smure box and the apocalyptic Zaxxon art. :thumbsup:


Stupus was showing me a copy of Burgertime that he brought in a box of trade bait at VCF last fall. If I had been drinking anything, I would have done a spit-take all over it. :P


Horrifying. lol

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If I had been drinking anything, I would have done a spit-take all over it. :P

The 'Spit Take" box art for me is either Popeye or Karate. Every time I see one of those I shudder a little bit. Then again some of the box arts aren't half bad, Spider looks pretty good, so do Cross Force and Mission 3000 A.D.. But the box art for Col "n" and Glutton is just plain disturbing

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